Guided Meditations to Support Your Magical Life

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  • The Wealthiest Version of You

    The Wealthiest Version of You

    Step Into The Wealthiest Version of You - Guided Meditation and Visualisation

    The truth of your very nature is wealth and abundance but sometimes in this human reality we let that slip our mind.

    If you’re not feeling aligned with the wealthiest version of yourself and you’re ready to upgrade then dive into this connection with your True Self and step into a new reality.

    With love,

    Roseanna x

    For best results listen with headphones

    For even better results listen every day for 21 days (the amount of time said for a meditation to show lasting change and benefits)

  • Money Talks: A Conversation with Money Visualisation

    Money Talks: A Conversation with Money Visualisation

    Ever been intrigued to have a conversation with money? Well now is your chance.

    In this active imagination visualisation you will enter your subconscious mind and have a conversation with money. Visualise her essence and hear the wisdom and insights that she has for you.

    What do you want to know? How to attract more money? How to achieve a certain money goal? Explore the unknown as you enter an altered state of consciousness and find out.

    With love,

    Roseanna x

    For best results listen with headphones

    For even better results listen every day for 21 days (the amount of time said for a meditation to show lasting change and benefits)

    Music has been designed by Jason Stephenson to help break down barriers of the heart and mind

  • Allowing Money Miracles Guided Meditation and Visualisation

    Allowing Money Miracles Guided Meditation and Visualisation

    Within our subconscious mind we have patterns and beliefs that keep us living in a place of the small self, never fully reaching our potential in this lifetime. This is often a place of lack and scarcity.

    When you can be open and in a place of surrender you allow yourself to reprogram your subconscious mind and allow in infinite amounts of money as well as miracles. It is possible to see miracles every day and the truth of your very being is wealth and abundance. Are you ready to open and allow this possibility into your life?

    Wherever you are in your financial situation now, be there for that, love it and be open to a new way. Be open to miracles. Be open to truth.

    Enjoy this guided meditation that will help you surrender and call in money miracles into your life.

    With love,

    Roseanna x

    For best results listen with headphones

    For even better results listen every day for 21 days (the amount of time said for a meditation to show lasting change and benefits)

    Music has been designed by Jason Stephenson to help break down barriers of the heart and mind

  • The Butterfly Side Guided Meditation and Visualisation for Transformation

    The Butterfly Side Guided Meditation and Visualisation for Transformation

    Life isn’t always a bed of roses but just as the caterpillar must go through the metamorphosis before he becomes a butterfly, we must evolve in our own way by learning the lessons in our path.

    This meditation and visualisation is designed for anyone going through challenges at the moment, knowing that you will come out evolved. You are strong and you are powerful, love yourself along the way and you will experience a profound shift.

    Keep going and you will reach ‘The Butterfly Side.’

    With love,

    Roseanna x



    For best results listen with headphones

    For even better results listen every day for 21 days (the amount of time said for a meditation to show lasting change and benefits)

    Music has been designed by Jason Stephenson to help break down barriers of the heart and mind

  • Evening Meditation to Create Your Bright New Future

    Evening Meditation to Create Your Bright New Future

    Your best day ever starts the night before. When creating your life it is important to have a routine in place to set yourself up for restful and healing sleep as well as an amazing following day.

    This guided evening meditation goes through breathing and meditation techniques to settle your mind and body inviting in love and gratitude. We scan and flood light into your body & energetic system before reviewing your day and creating your life with powerful visualisation.

    This meditation will help you fall asleep in a peaceful and inspired manor. Use this in partnership with the Morning Meditation to Create a Bright New Future.’

    With love,

    Roseanna x

    For best results listen with headphones

    For even better results listen every day for 21 days (the amount of time said for a meditation to show lasting change and benefits)

    Music has been designed by Jason Stephenson to help break down barriers of the heart and mind

  • Morning Meditation to Create Your Bright New Future

    Morning Meditation to Create Your Bright New Future

    Your internal world is creating your external world, so what is the state of your mind?

    You cannot live an empowered life without first feeling empowered on the inside and you cannot create true abundance in the areas of health, wealth and love if you do not already connect with the truth of who you are.

    Your mornings are sacred, in the first few moments and hours of your day you can connect to your Self and Spirit. You can create a bright new future by practicing every morning, evening and as you move throughout your day.

    In this meditation you are guided through an empowering Breath of Fire followed by techniques to connect with your vision and who you truly are. Use this in partnership with the ‘Evening Meditation to Create a Bright New Future.’ -

    With love,

    Roseanna x

    For best results listen with headphones

    For even better results listen every day for 21 days (the amount of time said for a meditation to show lasting change and benefits)

    Music has been designed by Jason Stephenson to help break down barriers of the heart and mind

  • Blessing Your Energy Centres

    Blessing Your Energy Centres

    When you live in alignment life begins to happen for you. You will see changes to your health, wealth and in your relationships, you start to flow with the Universe rather than feel like you’re fighting against the current.

    One of the first steps to living in alignment and working with the Universe is to align your energy. Any change you wish to make in your life starts with you, your subconscious mind and your energy - always look within before you try to change things externally.

    In this meditation I guide you through each energy center from your root to your crown, connecting you to Mother Earth and The Universe. Working through each chakra you will cleanse and bless your energy to help you realign and lean into the flow.

    With love,

    Roseanna x

    For best results listen with headphones

    For even better results listen every day for 21 days (the amount of time said for a meditation to show lasting change and benefits)

    Music has been designed by Jason Stephenson to help break down barriers of the heart and mind

  • Step Into Pure Awareness

    Step Into Pure Awareness

    Behind your thoughts, emotions, stories and apparent reality you are Pure Awareness. You are a spiritual being having a human experience. Your True Self is the witness to the experience.

    It is so easy to forget this as we go about our day and our lives. Especially in our fast-paced society there isn’t much space to simply be the present witness. Our ego mind always thinks it needs to be looking for the next thing to do, worrying about the future or living in the past - keeping us in fight or flight. You are not your ego, you are not your story - you are an infinite being.

    This guided meditation is designed to bring you back to who you truly are and act as your reminder, if not every day then at least when you feel like 3D reality is getting on top of you.

    When you connect to Pure Awareness & your True Self you connect to the all that is, the source of all creation. Here, in this space you are infinite, you are powerful beyond measure and unlimited. By connecting to this every day you will remain in alignment with your True Self more and more and see the miracles in your life increase.

    With love,


    • For best results listen with headphones

    • For even better results listen every day for 21 days (the amount of time said for a meditation to show lasting change and benefits)

    • Music has been designed by Jason Stephenson to help break down barriers of the heart and mind

  • Opening to New Possibilities

    Opening to New Possibilities

    We live in a realm of infinite possibility and as soon as you’re prepared to step out of your zone of comfort and into the unknown is when magic begins to happen in your life.

    In this 20 minute meditation we enter the space within your heart that attracts new possibilities. In raising your vibration, with your mind and heart in coherence, this is when you call in new possibilities.

    I hope you enjoy and begin open your eyes to the possibilities and miracles around you.

    Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu. May all beings everywhere be happy and free.

    Roseanna x

    • For best results listen with headphones

    • For even better results listen every day for 21 days (the amount of time said for a meditation to show lasting change and benefits)

    • Music has been designed by Jason Stephenson to help break down barriers of the heart and mind

  • Opening to Prosperity and Abundance

    Opening to Prosperity and Abundance

    Prosperity and Abundance is a state of mind. It is a way of being. In your most true form you are infinite abundance. In order to see prosperity in your life you have to become it. Peel back the layers of the ego and let your True Self shine.

    Stand in your power as a divine being, you are pure consciousness creating your life with a prosperous energy. You are infinite abundance. Period.

    Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu. May all beings everywhere be happy and free.

    Roseanna x

    • For best results listen with headphones

    • For even better results listen every day for 21 days (the amount of time said for a meditation to show lasting change and benefits)

    • Music has been designed by Jason Stephenson to help break down barriers of the heart and mind

  • Being of Light and Light Mindfulness

    Being of Light and Light Mindfulness

    ‘Being of Light and Light Mindfulness’ Guided Meditation to call divine light into your body. This meditation helps with healing physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

    It is an incredibly beautiful meditation that has profound effects when done over a longer period of time with visible differences showing such as appearing younger with glowing skin.

    As energetic beings, our cells are literally made of light, this meditation helps call in the divine light to make you more of what you truly are - light and love. Your soul is also light, a light so bright and beautiful that in our humanness we cannot comprehend it yet. This meditation will connect you with the universe and your True Self.

    This meditation has been inspired by one of my teachers Master Dev OM, the founder of Soulversity.

    • For best results listen with headphones

    • For even better results listen every day for 21 days (the amount of time said for a meditation to show lasting change and benefits)

    • Music has been designed by Jason Stephenson to help break down barriers of the heart and mind

  • Release the Past and Vision the Future

    Release the Past and Vision the Future

    The end of a year and the beginning of a new year is a wonderful time to release what no longer serves you and step more into alignment with your Higher Self but know that you can make changes in your life with every new second.

    This meditation is about releasing elements of your past that no longer serve you, being guided by my voice and your intuition, you thank them, love them and let them go. Once you have let go of the past you will be connecting to your future through visualisation and elevated emotions making you an energetic match for what you desire.

    I hope you enjoy this meditation, know that you can do it at any time and if you’d like your life to look different in 12 months from now you have to make the changes necessary.

    I would advise you to spend some time journaling after this meditation while you are connected with your heart and your intuition speaks to you. I have various worksheets on my website to help you look at your life and design the future you desire.

    With love,


    • For best results listen with headphones

    • For even better results listen every day for 21 days (the amount of time said for a meditation to show lasting change and benefits)

    • Music has been designed by Jason Stephenson to help break down barriers of the heart and mind