
Allowing Money Miracles Guided Meditation and Visualisation

Within our subconscious mind we have patterns and beliefs that keep us living in a place of the small self, never fully reaching our potential in this lifetime. This is often a place of lack and scarcity.

When you can be open and in a place of surrender you allow yourself to reprogram your subconscious mind and allow in infinite amounts of money as well as miracles. It is possible to see miracles every day and the truth of your very being is wealth and abundance. Are you ready to open and allow this possibility into your life?

Wherever you are in your financial situation now, be there for that, love it and be open to a new way. Be open to miracles. Be open to truth.

Enjoy this guided meditation that will help you surrender and call in money miracles into your life.

With love,

Roseanna x

For best results listen with headphones

For even better results listen every day for 21 days (the amount of time said for a meditation to show lasting change and benefits)

Music has been designed by Jason Stephenson to help break down barriers of the heart and mind


Money Talks: A Conversation with Money Visualisation


The Butterfly Side Guided Meditation and Visualisation for Transformation