
Blessing Your Energy Centres

When you live in alignment life begins to happen for you. You will see changes to your health, wealth and in your relationships, you start to flow with the Universe rather than feel like you’re fighting against the current.

One of the first steps to living in alignment and working with the Universe is to align your energy. Any change you wish to make in your life starts with you, your subconscious mind and your energy - always look within before you try to change things externally.

In this meditation I guide you through each energy center from your root to your crown, connecting you to Mother Earth and The Universe. Working through each chakra you will cleanse and bless your energy to help you realign and lean into the flow.

With love,

Roseanna x

For best results listen with headphones

For even better results listen every day for 21 days (the amount of time said for a meditation to show lasting change and benefits)

Music has been designed by Jason Stephenson to help break down barriers of the heart and mind


Morning Meditation to Create Your Bright New Future


Step Into Pure Awareness