
Step Into Pure Awareness

Behind your thoughts, emotions, stories and apparent reality you are Pure Awareness. You are a spiritual being having a human experience. Your True Self is the witness to the experience.

It is so easy to forget this as we go about our day and our lives. Especially in our fast-paced society there isn’t much space to simply be the present witness. Our ego mind always thinks it needs to be looking for the next thing to do, worrying about the future or living in the past - keeping us in fight or flight. You are not your ego, you are not your story - you are an infinite being.

This guided meditation is designed to bring you back to who you truly are and act as your reminder, if not every day then at least when you feel like 3D reality is getting on top of you.

When you connect to Pure Awareness & your True Self you connect to the all that is, the source of all creation. Here, in this space you are infinite, you are powerful beyond measure and unlimited. By connecting to this every day you will remain in alignment with your True Self more and more and see the miracles in your life increase.

With love,


  • For best results listen with headphones

  • For even better results listen every day for 21 days (the amount of time said for a meditation to show lasting change and benefits)

  • Music has been designed by Jason Stephenson to help break down barriers of the heart and mind


Blessing Your Energy Centres


Opening to New Possibilities