How to Love Again and Transcend Fear

‘Love is what we’re born with. Fear is what we learn. The spiritual journey is the unlearning of fear and prejudices and the acceptance of love back into our hearts. Love is the essential reality and our purpose on earth. To be consciously aware of it, to experience love in ourselves and others, is the meaning of life. Meaning does not lie in things. Meaning lies in us.’ - Marianne WilliamsonI have come from a place of not deeming myself worthy enough to be happy/successful/loved etc to now where I am in a place where I am falling in love with myself more and more every day.

This is a blog written by a woman who used to believe meaning, including her own self worth lay in how much she earned, what handbag she was carrying and where she lived. I was a woman living in total fear of not being good enough and never able to feel love or actual joy.

In the last 2 years I have learned a lot, I have been stripped back to the core of who I am and I have discovered who I am in my core and that is love. In case you haven’t already discovered this about yourself, you are love in your very core too. 

So love is what we’re born with (or born as) and fear is what we learn. Our ego mind is striving to keep us safe, that is its job and it's the job of every human's ego to keep them safe. So we have a society that has been built on other people’s egos. A society that is built for survival, not built to express our True Self, which is love.

This is why most people are living to survive and living to prove their worth, by the job they have, the home they live in and the clothes they wear - keeping up with the Jones’ - because they don’t understand that at their very core they have everything they could ever need and all they desire.

The more we can connect with our pure essence the more whole we feel and the less we need to prove our worth to society. When we come back to love, our ego doesn’t need to control our life any more and we transcend the fearful thought patterns that keep us stuck and small. It is then we connect to our infinite potential and tell me, what would you create if anything were possible? Which it is when acting from your True Self, aka infinite potential, aka love.

We are spiritual beings having a human experience, not the other way around. Humanity has forgotten its spiritual essence. For us to continue evolving and to continue to raise the consciousness of the planet it is so important that we come back to love. Come back to who we are.

Here are some ways you can learn to love again:

  • Connecting with your Self and Pure Awareness through meditation.

  • Generating feelings of love within your heart through visualisation and meditation, or even while brushing your teeth

  • Opening your heart chakra with meditation

  • Being present with and connecting to nature every day

  • Showing someone how much you love them

  • Showing your Self love and acting for your highest growth

  • Receiving someone else's love - when we receive, we give a gift

As you practice giving and receiving more love in your life you will let the guard down around your heart and begin to connect with the power of your true potential and allow more divine intelligence into your life.

What are you going to do with the infinite potential that waits for you?

For those of you who wish to fall in love with yourself this February I have a special private coaching offer for you. In this journey you will discover and begin to integrate aspects of your shadow in order to create as your True Self and truly fall in love with your life. Over the period of 1 month you will have 1:1 coaching with me to begin your Self-love journey.


How to Express Yourself Fearlessly


How to Fall in Love With Your ‘Self’