How to Express Yourself Fearlessly

I have been having interesting conversations this week about how as women, we have been conditioned to not express ourselves and how in some countries today we are unfortunately seeing that women still have no rights, especially to express their voice.

So I joined my good friend and voice coach Anouska Taylor over on her YouTube channel for a live podcast recording about Fearless Expression.

This is such an important topic because if we aren’t able to fully express ourselves we will never live a full life. Imagine a world where you can’t say what you really think or how you really feel. Perhaps you already experience this in your personal or professional life.

For me this has shown up a lot in previous relationships and from a young age. I would be afraid of saying what I really felt in a relationship because in the past I was called a ‘psycho’ if I expressed any emotion other than happiness. I have been afraid to disagree in case they wouldn’t like me anymore. And sadly, when I was in my teenage years I was afraid to say ‘no.’

Ultimately this fear comes down to one we all experience in some way which is the fear of being abandoned and unloved - for most of us this is unconscious and a deep conditioning. The good news is that as you begin to become aware of how this fear affects your life you become conscious of it and can transcend it.

Now I want you to imagine a life where you can express yourself fearlessly. Imagine how you can show up in your professional life - get that promotion you have been craving for years. Imagine how it can show up in your romantic relationships, being in a partnership where you’re both able to support each other emotionally and feel safe to express yourself. 

When you can fully step into your power and express yourself authentically you will begin to see huge changes in your life. It will open the doors to freedom in all areas of your life.

To watch the full conversation see the video below.

If you would like to learn more about how you can step into your power and activate your voice then join Anouska and I at our International Women’s Day online event held on Friday 10th March 2023 at 1pm GMT (8am EST)

Purchase your tickets here: Fearless Expression - speak with courage, gravitas and confidence.

As a meditation teacher, I will guide you through powerful meditation and transformative exercises to open your throat chakra, connect to your intuition and your voice within. In this time you will move through blocks in your unconscious mind that are holding you back and hear what your intuition is trying to tell you, what is it she wants to say?

Anouska Taylor will demonstrate a series of simple but highly effective exercises and techniques to help you begin to connect to the physicality of your voice.  These will allow you to both free your voice as well as build strength and power.

I hope to see you Friday, this is an excellent opportunity to work with 2 highly trained coaches on freeing your truest expression, it’s time to step up & into your power.


Living Your Dreams, Dharma and Desires


How to Love Again and Transcend Fear