How to Fall in Love with Your Self and Life

Are you ready to write your own love story with more wealth, prosperity, better health and vitality?

How do you feel right now? Are you experiencing a lack of love, wealth or health in your life? Are you fed up of trying to ‘love yourself’ and not seeing results?

The ‘self-love’ you see on Instagram, such as buying yourself flowers and hopping in a bubble is simply surface level infatuation. If you are ready to experience true self-love, you have to go a few levels deeper than what you have already.

To fall in love with yourself has to come from a place of knowing who you are and accepting every aspect of yourself. How can you truly live or love yourself if you don’t know who you are?

Self-love is finding the parts of yourself that you have rejected (known as your shadow) and accepting them. It is reclaiming your power to access the freedom available to you - stepping into your True Self.

It is being honest about what is no longer serving you and removing it from your life to make space to create from your soul, enabling you to consciously create a life in alignment with your highest Self.

It is so many things before the ‘to me, from me’ bouquet of roses. It is boldly making a declaration by doing the deep inner work.

Are you ready to embark on a romance journey with yourself?

What to expect

On this journey you will learn more about your Self than you ever thought possible, I mean going deeper than the mask you wish to show to the world and uncovering parts of your Self hidden deep within the subconscious mind. In order to love yourself fully and experience the kind of love you wish to in this world you have to go here. The results are accessing true freedom and opening the gates to allow more love in all areas of your life.

This is the type of love-story we all crave and when you start to experience this type of love there is no going back. You will raise your vibrational frequency to attract more love, joy and abundance in all aspects of your life.

You will be taking the steps to truly fulfil your soul and see your hearts desires granted. By embarking on this journey you are becoming your own hero and living an empowering life as your True Self.

Your Mini Self-Love Private Coaching Journey

  • Two 60 minute coaching sessions, held on zoom over the space of 1 month.

    In between these calls (and 1 week before and after) you will have access to me via telegram for full support.

    You will also receive guidance on further reading, learning and meditations to support you.

    If you decide to sign to up a full coaching package you will receive these sessions for free as a gift from me to you.

  • In these powerful sessions, you will get to know your ego, shadow self and True Self. By learning more about your Self you will see where you are holding yourself back and where you need to take action.

    By the end of this programme you will be clear on how to allow love, joy and miracles into your life, changing you life forever.

  • Are you happy and fulfilled? Do you love yourself fully? Do you want to experience more magic in your life? Do you know what true love feels like? Do you ever wonder if there is more to life?

    Ponder these questions, if they triggered emotions in you in any way then I suggest this is is right for you but don’t just take my word for it. Ask your heart.

  • Your mini Self-Love Journey is a financial investment of £888.

    What’s it worth? Well if you could change your life forever what would that be worth to you? Priceless?

  • Right now. By making this commitment to yourself you will generate an energetic shift that raises your vibrational frequency so your love story starts today.

    In terms of when you can have your first call with me, how soon do you want this? When you sign up you will be able to book your first session straight away.

    This offer will end on 28th February and your sessions must be booked before the end of March.

  • Click the link below to book your first session!

    If you have any further questions please feel free to contact me via email.

Hi, I’m Roseanna

I am a certified Jungian & Spiritual life coach who specialises in helping people fall in love with life.

When I was close to losing my own life at the age of 30, I decided to make the moves internally and externally to rebuild my life in a way that filled me with joy, I wanted a life I was excited to wake up to. I did that and I experience magic every single day thanks to this.

And I want to help you do the same, everything is possible for you, you just have to take the first steps and make the commitment to yourself. The rest happens naturally.

‘To love yourself right now, just as you are, is to give yourself heaven. Don’t wait until you die. If you wait, you die now. If you love, you live now.’

— Alan Cohen