
Release the Past and Vision the Future

The end of a year and the beginning of a new year is a wonderful time to release what no longer serves you and step more into alignment with your Higher Self but know that you can make changes in your life with every new second.

This meditation is about releasing elements of your past that no longer serve you, being guided by my voice and your intuition, you thank them, love them and let them go. Once you have let go of the past you will be connecting to your future through visualisation and elevated emotions making you an energetic match for what you desire.

I hope you enjoy this meditation, know that you can do it at any time and if you’d like your life to look different in 12 months from now you have to make the changes necessary.

I would advise you to spend some time journaling after this meditation while you are connected with your heart and your intuition speaks to you. I have various worksheets on my website to help you look at your life and design the future you desire.

With love,


  • For best results listen with headphones

  • For even better results listen every day for 21 days (the amount of time said for a meditation to show lasting change and benefits)

  • Music has been designed by Jason Stephenson to help break down barriers of the heart and mind


Being of Light and Light Mindfulness