You Are A Limitless Being

How far does limitless go? Well the clue is in the word, it goes on infinitely. Did you know that you are limitless? Do you understand that you are infinite?

If you believe the advertising and marketing you see from the big industries then you probably won’t believe it and instead you’ll believe that you’re not good enough. You’re not pretty enough, not healthy enough and not rich enough.

It’s quite easy to believe that you’ll never get to where you want to be. It’s really easy to believe that we are limited. It’s easy to believe this because we place limitations on ourselves based on the knowledge we get from our outside environment and what we have been told since we were brought into this world. But here’s the catch, we create our outside environment. Our inner reality creates our outer reality.

So if we’re limited on the inside and we buy in to our ego’s story then we’re bound to be living a limited life. If you believe you’re not pretty enough to attract a partner then that will play out in your reality. If you believe you don’t have enough money to make your dreams come true then guess what…

What if we flip this? Say you believed you were limitless. You would then see that reflected in your outer world. You would see synchronicities and miracles happen, the ones you dream of. You would understand that you could achieve and have anything you wanted. 

Your beauty would radiate out from your soul and you’d have people lining up round the block to ask you on a date. But because you’re limitless you wouldn’t just settle for someone who makes you feel ‘pretty enough’. If you believed you were limitless, money wouldn’t even come into the equation of making your dreams come true because you would understand they’ll happen no matter what.

Being limitless also means understanding that things don’t happen in a linear fashion. Time isn’t linear, our reality isn’t linear. We’re actually dimensional beings, not linear beings. This is where miracles come in because something could achieve an outcome that you’ve always wanted in the most abstract way and certainly not how you expected it to. Being limitless means thriving in the unknown. The second you’re excited by the unknown, you now have a taste of what it’s like to live as a limitless being.

In some ways it seems easier to be excited by the unknown and live as a limitless being but our ego’s make it difficult for us. We have so many unconscious programmes running in our mind that we have to overcome to be truly limitless. If you’re dedicated to being infinite then you can overcome them. It means being aware of your ‘limits’ (limiting beliefs and patterns) every day and committing to reprogramme your mind.

How to Become Limitless

Awareness is always the first step. Meditation will help you massively too. Being silent and connecting to your higher self. In meditation you can also reach the subconscious to rewire those negative beliefs. 

So, start to reprogramme your mind and change your reality by becoming aware that you actually are limitless and you have every possibility you can dream of and more available to you. Dare to believe it and watch the magic unfold before your eyes.

An Invitation for Your Highest Self

I’d now like to extend two invitations to you; firstly I’d like to offer you an opportunity to expand your own visio to the future and complete the ‘Design Your Legacy’ worksheet (link below). This worksheet alone could offer you guidance on how you can begin to live your best life.

My other invitation is that if you’re curious about coaching and how it can help you, I am now offering group coaching calls that give you the opportunity to ask a question and experience some coaching from myself. I really believe that everyone should experience coaching on their growth journey to develop deeper insight and these group coaching sessions are extremely powerful. You can learn more about the worksheet and group coaching sessions below.

You better believe it, you are totally and infinitely limitless.


You can also connect with me on Instagram or listen to my podcast (Apple, Spotify, YouTube).


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