Changing the Conversation Around Cancer & Health

My (Brief) Experience Beating Cancer

As a 30 year old woman I was diagnosed with a rare form of breast cancer. I had many choices available to me on how I could approach this challenge in my life. I could have chosen to be scared and be the victim or I could have chosen to change my reality and reclaim my power. I chose to change the reality I was faced with and faced my diagnosis with as much power as I could muster. It worked out for the best and 6 months later I was given the all clear, against the statistics I was presented with at the beginning of the journey.

Most people aren’t this ‘lucky.’ I am so grateful for my outcome and I class myself as ‘lucky’ because for a few years prior I had been working on my personal and spiritual development ‘toolbox’ which almost acted as training for facing cancer. You create your own luck and I certainly chose to create mine.

Recently, now that I am well on my way on my healing journey, I have been noticing the messaging around cancer and what we’re told about it and other health conditions. I don’t watch or read the ‘news’ but I see it on the tube, I see it on social media and I hear it spoken - it’s all fear-based. Everything is designed to place fear on the situation. Some people do this unconsciously, others don’t. (Fear sells newspapers…) Some people believe that sharing statistics around cancer related deaths raises awareness (it does, but it also sends a message of fear) other’s don’t care and need to make money. 

Let’s Change The Conversation

I want to change the conversation around cancer, our health and most challenges we face in life. If we face them from a place of love and compassion the outcome will be more positive than facing them from fear as we are programmed to do. You may notice that this goes against the grain but we have a choice on how we lead our lives, we are more powerful than we know and we create our own reality. When we’re creating a positive reality for ourselves we create a more positive reality for the collective, improving the lives of so many around us.

Most people hear ‘cancer’ and they automatically think ‘dying’ - this isn’t the case! Sadly, I know it can be for some people, but I also know people who have come back from the brink of death against the odds to beat cancer and go on and thrive. If we asked them now they would say ‘cancer was my second chance at living,’ ‘cancer started my awakening to a better life,’ ‘cancer gave me an opportunity to see life differently and a different perspective.’ I was never close to death but I certainly say that about my own experience. In some ways it has been the making of me, it has been the catalyst to me really living a life I love. I now love myself enough to give myself the life I deserve.

What if when someone was diagnosed we showed them these comments instead of survival statistics? What if the messages on the tube said something more along these lines than ‘1 in 3 people die from cancer!?’ People then may not be so scared if they are given a diagnosis. If we are able to change the conversation and see it for what it can be - a second chance, an awakening, an opportunity to learn something and connect to yourself on a deeper level, a chance to heal and witness a miracle - then we will see more survivals and so called spontaneous remissions. More people will get another chance to live a wonderful life.

If we changed the conversation around so many things (finances, relationships, sex and careers) from a young age there wouldn’t be so many repressed emotions that teenagers and adults have. If we were taught to be more accepting of ourselves as the imperfect humans we are then we wouldn’t put so much pressure on ourselves causing the stress that we’re never good enough - this is what leads to illness.

The illness can be anything from eczema to covid, it doesn’t just relate to cancer. It’s always a chance to look inward and self-reflect. It’s generally because there’s a misalignment or an imbalance in our lives. The imbalance could be anything from too much work and not enough rest or enjoyment to repressed childhood trauma or emotions such as anger. When we can address these imbalances is when we can heal and it will show in every area of our lives, not just in our health.

Why You Don’t Need To Be Scared

We are always guided by something higher than us if we wish to be. We are protected and safe. One thing I had to go through when I was deciding to stop chemo was I had to learn to be okay with the outcome and not fear death. I had to become okay with dying. You just cannot understand the freedom that can bring you, it is immense. Dying isn’t a scary thing when we’re aligned because we realise that we’re energetic beings and energy can’t die. When we’re aligned we can realise we’re on a path greater than we can ever know and life becomes easy and enjoyable, it’s bigger than us as human beings. That is powerful and then suddenly a diagnosis or a challenge (this can go for any challenge we face in life) doesn’t feel that big because we have the security in the knowledge that we are guided and there’s a bigger reason for it. Or at least there can be if we want there to be. We can of course choose not to believe this and continue living in fear, how appealing does that sound?

What I would really love to change is to work together to change the conversation we have around our health and learn we don’t have to be scared or reach for the nearest prescription. If we view our health from a place of love and compassion then we can learn to heal ourselves. Being scared and listening to the fear based conversation around illness and cancer and ‘oh isn’t it terrible the statistics around such and such’ isn’t helping anybody. Most people think they’re ‘raising awareness’ but aren’t aware of the damage this can cause. When you understand energetically that we control our reality, you’ll understand why fear based marketing is so dangerous.

How Can We Help Change the Conversation? 

By changing our own mindsets. Working on ourselves, doing the deep inner work to improve our own lives (this can be as simple as doing a job you love) and as every person becomes that bit more light and loving we’ll see the world reflect that. Approaching the world from a place of higher vibration then affects the collective consciousness and raising the vibration of the planet eradicates the lower frequency ‘dis-eases’ like cancer.

If you are done with living in fear, perhaps you or someone you know has had a diagnosis or you just want a taste of this life filled with love, come and learn more about working with me. Together we can change the world.

An Invitation for Your Highest Self

I’d now like to extend two invitations to you; firstly I’d like to offer you an opportunity to expand your own vision to the future and complete the ‘Design Your Legacy’ worksheet (link below). This worksheet alone could offer you guidance on how you can begin to live your best life.

My other invitation is that if you’re curious about coaching and how it can help you, I am now offering group coaching calls that give you the opportunity to ask a question and experience some coaching from myself. I really believe that everyone should experience coaching on their growth journey to develop deeper insight and these group coaching sessions are extremely powerful. You can learn more about the worksheet and group coaching sessions below.

Lots of love,


You can also connect with me on Instagram or listen to my podcast (Apple, Spotify, YouTube).


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