Why Meditation is the Gateway to Miracles

How can meditation help me?

If you’ve had a peek into the world of wellness, spirituality and healing or even just wish to care for yourself more - there is no doubt that you have been told you should be meditating.

If you have experienced stress, depression or anxiety you have also probably been told to meditate. Meditation has wonderful effects on calming the nervous system, bringing you out of the fight or flight response (stress) and back into your heart. 

Mindful meditation brings about a calm abiding mind, as it is known in Buddhism - where the mind rests in complete stillness and presence. In mindfulness you gain ‘control’ over your mind and enjoy the stillness beneath the chaos of your thoughts. This style of meditation can be great for stress and anxiety as it is generally our thoughts that place us into these states. By silencing your thoughts you can reset your nervous system and bring about this calm abiding mind and experience ease.

Miracles and Meditation…

But mindfulness isn’t what I’d like to talk to you about today. Not only does meditation help support your mental, physical and emotional health but it also creates magical life.

I want to talk about the magic that can be found in meditation. The magic that can be found in the gap between your thoughts. How being present in this gap, connected to our true essence of pure consciousness can bring about miracles and unexplained synchronicities in your life.

This peaceful space between your thoughts (which are mainly controlled by the fearful ego but this can be changed) is the space known by scientists as the quantum field. And in the quantum field - anything is possible.

So what possibilities do you wish to bring into your life? And which possibilities can you not even imagine yet? All of this is available to you, and so much more.

When you can bring your mind into stillness and connect with the pure consciousness of your very being, this is where you connect with infinite possibilities and bring them into your life. You don’t even have to be aware of this, it happens without you knowing. You just have to stay aware of the synchronicities you see appearing in your life and get excited. I want you to get so excited about these synchronicities and miracles appearing that you want to connect to pure potentiality again and again, so much that you remain present throughout your entire day in awe of the magic happening around you.

This is the key to a happy life, this is the bliss state, and meditation can get you there.

What Meditation Isn’t

Let me be clear, this is not about going and hiding in the mountains meditating in solitude until your dream life appears in front of you. It is not about struggle and deep concentration on the breath. It is not about meditating out of fear. This isn’t about being so strict you begin to resent the meditation because you ‘just can’t silence your mind’.

This practice can be your space of creation so get excited about it and the life you can create. The more you begin to connect with consciousness the easier it becomes and soon it will just be natural to you.

Know that you can be happy, you can live the life you want. It is your divine right as pure consciousness. You incarnated in this life to live the human experience which, contrary to societal programming, doesn’t have to be miserable. So understand that you create your life and you can create a happy life.

So what miracles can meditation bring for you? How are you going to practice connecting to the space between your thoughts? How are you going to remain in the state of pure consciousness as you go about your day, attracting the infinite possibilities of the quantum field?

Get excited and expect the unexpected…

How I Can Help You

I host meditation classes to help you connect with the quantum field and release some of the fearful programming within your subconscious mind. You can meditate with me in Folkestone, Kent or online via zoom. These meditations are powerful and have amazing feedback. Learn more here.

If you are ready to work with me 1:1 to completely transform your life and begin living the life you know you deserve (or perhaps you don’t know it yet, but we can change that) then book your complimentary call below or download your brochure to learn more.

Watch this video where I go deeper on how meditation changed my life and began to show me miracles…


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