Celebrating Emotions

And knowing when to release them.

Last week was a reflective one for me and I have been feeling all of the emotions, I want to encourage you to do the same. To feel them then release them.

Last week I…

  • Moved house, far away from everything I know

  • Bought my first ever sofa (see photo)

  • Celebrated 1 year of finishing chemotherapy

  • Shared my first ever meditation on YouTube (it’s a hit!)

  • Secured a venue for my in-person meditation classes

  • Been pissed off.

  • Been scared.

  • Been filled with bliss, joy and excitement.

As I am sure you are aware through your own life experience, a week can bring all sorts with it. We can feel a range of emotions throughout the day and there are a variety of experiences we go through in a week.

My reflections, as I shared on Instagram last week, are about suffering being optional. Suffering is an illusion of the mind, it's a fabrication of our thoughts and isn’t true. It’s made up in order to keep us safe and small by our ego. The ego isn’t wrong, it’s just doing its job.

I have experienced anger for the first time in a long time this week because of a circumstance that was presented to me. 1-2 years ago I would have allowed the anger to unconsciously consume me for hours, making myself guilty for being angry and in some way making it my fault. This time, I decided to fully feel the anger, trying not to place blame (especially on myself). 

I went and watched the (angry) waves crashing in the ocean, it was as though Mother Nature was reflecting me. I allowed myself to rant but I supported myself in doing so, not being caught up in the victim mode that could have kept me there for hours. Time passed and the emotion had moved through me and I carried on about my day. Because I let the anger move through me I was then able to deal with the circumstance in a more level headed manner, thankfully. I managed to move through it with grace rather than cause suffering.

Emotion is literally energy in motion, if we don’t allow these emotions to flow throughout our energetic being they become stuck and create all types of problems and dis-eases. 99% of illnesses are brought on by stress of some form (emotional, chemical or physical.) And most physical illnesses start emotionally.

So emotions come and go, sometimes triggered by circumstances in our outer world, sometimes they’re just there. My reflections and circumstances this week have brought about a variety of emotions and I am embracing each one in order to live a more free life. Free from the illusion of suffering. 

Similarly, I try not to stay attached to the bliss and joy feelings that early morning sea swim (insert positive experience here) brings about because I know emotions are energy flowing. It’s never going to be all good or all bad, like the waves in the ocean are never going to be always choppy or always still. It’s the flow of life.

I’d like to encourage you to stay aware of your emotions this week, fully feel what comes up and allow it to flow through you. Drop into your body and stay out of your head, release the story around the emotion. (The story is the trigger of your suffering.) Welcome the emotion with love not resistance. Feel it without attachment. It’s quite a magnificent human experience when you can stay aware of it and feel it fully pass through.

You are fully supported.

Lots of love,
Roseanna x

If you are interested in creating a life of infinite possibility and would like to know how I can help further (aside from all the free advice I give on my podcast and social media) then please download your 1:1 coaching brochure through the link below which should answer any questions. If you have more questions
please book in your complimentary call with me.

“Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional” - Dalai Lama

Watch my podcast episode on releasing emotions. Also available on Spotify and iTunes.


Why Meditation is the Gateway to Miracles


Seeing Infinite Possibilities