Opening to Prosperity

Prosperity Meaning - The state of being successful, especially in making money (from the Oxford Dictionary)

I want to let you in on a secret. Your financial success or lack thereof is not determined by the ‘economy’ or any other outside circumstance, it is determined by your mindset, vibration and inner world. If you are in ‘debt’ then you are facing limiting beliefs and blocks, if you are doing financially well and are satisfied (this is important and I will tell you why further on) then bravo - keep doing what you’re doing.

Your Inner World Creates Your Outer World

Let me explain a little more about this… Your outer world is a reflection of you and how you feel on the inside, both consciously and unconsciously. You in your truest form are pure consciousness and made up of energy and frequency. 

The whole world is made up of energy and frequency, therefore there is nothing separating you from anyone or anything else, we are all one. 

Each and every person on this planet is a manifestation of pure consciousness in a different form. And as you are pure consciousness, they are a projection of your subconscious mind. I know, trippy right?

You don’t really need to worry about this too much but it’s good to have an understanding so you can use the knowledge to your advantage. 

When you are aware that your inner world creates your outer world, and if things appear to be ‘going wrong’ in your outer world, then you can use what you’re experiencing to reprogram your subconscious mind and see more success in your life.

What Does This Have To Do With Money?

So, if you are experiencing a bad run with money and if you notice the same financial patterns again and again, perhaps you make a certain amount of money then attract something that takes that money away from you for example, this is a pattern in your subconscious that now you have the awareness you can do the inner work and release this.

What Is The Inner Work?

You can do lots of things to help reprogram your subconscious around money, ultimately bringing in more financial success for you. Here are a few obvious examples:

  • Journaling on what you’re experiencing. Keep writing and asking ‘why’ until you hit the ‘aha’ moment. That realisation is your brain rewiring itself.

  • Feed your mind new, empowering beliefs around money through affirmations and changing your thought process. The key here is to stay aware.

  • Meditation helps you get beyond the conscious mind and into the subconscious mind. Different types of mediation can help you reprogram your mind for financial success through affirmations or simply reaching the gap in your thoughts (read this blog about why meditation causes miracles)

    • Dr Joe Dispenza has incredible meditations to help change your life and create more abundance. I used his meditations to help heal cancer.

    • So does Brian Scott, his meditations are mainly based on the works of Neville Goddard and other greats in the personal development world

    • I have a wonderful 15 minute meditation on Opening to Prosperity, we raise your energy and call it in using the golden light of your infinite abundant Self

  • Reading books and learning more about this subject. There are SO MANY amazing books to read but three that jump out to me are:

  • There is so much you can do to change your state and bring in more money but what I want you to realise that the financial success you are looking for is ALREADY WITHIN YOU. It is a state of mind and a way of being. Infinite abundance is who you are in truth.

(I am not affiliated with the above and do not earn money by you clicking these links or purchasing these books, I recommend these based on my own experience.)

What Exactly is Financial Success?

Okay, so I get it - money isn’t everything. BUT if I were to ask you how happy you were with your money situation, not how much money you have in the bank, what would you say? Truthfully?

There are people I know with no money in the bank but they are the happiest people and life is always showing up to support them. There are also people I know who are multi millionaires who are not happy at all and rely on alcohol and shopping to make them feel ‘happiness’. Tell me which you’d rather?

So financial success isn’t about how much money you have in the bank, it is about how you feel about money. And the wonderful thing is that when you feel amazing about your financial situation and feel abundant and wealthy (whether you are or not) you naturally attract it into your life. BECAUSE your inner world is in its natural state of infinite abundance, therefore this is reflected in your outer world.

Pretty cool, huh?

How Can I Help You With Financial Success?

As I mentioned above, I have a cool meditation on Opening to Prosperity which you can find below and watch on YouTube. I also host live meditations which you can learn more about here. We change themes each week to support you in living a magical life.

We can also work together on a 1:1 coaching basis where we go really deep to make life-long changes to your financial success. I have different packages available which you can learn more about in the brochure below. You can also book a complimentary call with me if you’re ready to get serious. I look forward to your success story.

A 15 minute guided meditation to help you open your mind and energy field to bring in more prosperity to your life.


Gratitude and Compassion for Healing


Why Meditation is the Gateway to Miracles