Are Your Fears Holding You Back?

You are not your fears, yet we spend so much of our lives controlled by them. So what are your fears? What are you afraid of?

Most people are afraid of dying and dying alone and unloved. When we look into our programming we’re afraid of being alone and unloved because it means we will be kicked out of the ‘tribes’ of our caveman days and be left alone to die. This fear is what controls most of how we live our lives these days and why we try so hard to be liked and be ‘successful’. We spend our lives trying to survive.

We’re Living in Survival

This is why we follow the ‘safe’ career option that will make us ‘good’ money in order to buy the house that will keep us ‘safe’ and be acceptable to the tribe. It is why we ‘settle’ in a relationship that may not make our heart sing yet we get married and have children anyway. It is why most people don’t take the risky career of being an artist or musician and why we don’t take a year out to travel.

In fact, ‘most people’ mock those who do choose a ‘creative’ career or lifestyle by calling them names and judging them. In reality ‘most people’ just wish they could do the same, ‘most people’ think they’re working for freedom - their heart truly wants to be free - but in reality they’re just working hard to be safe.

So, what are you afraid of?

What fears are holding you back? Even though all your fears ultimately lead to you being afraid of dying (which is completely irrational considering the only certainty in this human experience is that you will die) they will be dressed up as something else.

Perhaps you’re afraid of having no money so you work extra hard to earn more, to your physical health’s detriment. Are you afraid that no one will like you so you work hard to fit in and wear the right clothes? Are you afraid that you’ll end up on your own so you daren’t leave the mediocre relationship?

You Are Not Your Fears

Take some time to get present with yourself and address these fears. Remember you are not your fears. Your fears are completely from the ego - your heart and intuition don’t speak in fears they speak in love, joy and bliss.

When you know which particular fears are holding you back then you can begin to reprogramme your BS (belief systems). You do this by choosing positive thoughts over negative ones, when a fear based thought comes into your mind you actively flip it to it’s positive counterpart. Whatever you do, don't berate yourself for having negative thoughts, you can’t control the thoughts that pop into your mind and the second you make it wrong you’re causing yourself unnecessary stress. But as you begin to change these thoughts throughout your day (it means spending more time in the present and aware, less time scrolling on your phone) then you will begin to change your belief systems. 

Time to Change Your BS

By changing your BS your thoughts will change to positive ones. For instance, I was sitting on the bus today and I noticed that since I have been concentrating on loving thoughts towards myself and others, my mind didn’t bring up thoughts of judgment for those around me like it usually does, instead it brought up loving thoughts automatically. I then noticed that when I arrived at my destination, everyone around me wanted to help me have the best possible experience, against the odds. A really simple but wonderful way that I notice change around me from making these changes to my own BS

Address your fears and this will help you to live a blissful life. Listen to your heart and follow your bliss. Follow the calling that you really would love to take - if you are scared to take it then it’s probably the right choice to take. 

Slowly as you begin to follow your heart more, the ‘real you’ will emerge and your ego will ‘die’. There really is nothing to be afraid of, you are supported on this planet whatever you believe. It could be by god, the Universe, a higher version of yourself or by your heart but I promise you that you are supported, you have nothing to fear.

Design Your Legacy

If you’re unsure of where your heart wants you to go I recommend getting still and listening for a while. Light a candle, make a tea or pour a glass of wine - whatever resonates with you. Listen and journal whatever comes up. Then fill in the Design Your Legacy worksheet which will help you work through where you would like to be, where you are now and what you can do in order to get there.

Remember, it’s important to be aware of whether you are following your heart or your fears. Your heart will always lead you towards joy

Lots of love,


You can also connect with me on Instagram or listen to my podcast (Apple, Spotify, YouTube).


Overcoming Obstacles in this Human Life


Taking Responsibility for Your Life and Creating Magic