Overcoming Obstacles in this Human Life

We are human, we all experience obstacles and some are more trying than others. We have obstacles placed in our path on this journey we call life in order to help us grow, so how do we overcome these obstacles with a sense of peace and grace?

Sometimes the obstacles we’re facing can fill us with feelings of fear and panic. Anxiety can cloud our thinking as we base our mind in the future, worrying about outcomes that we have no control over.

This week I did an Instagram live speaking about some obstacles I am facing and how I am overcoming them. I woke up on Tuesday morning filled with a sense of anxiety as I mulled over two decisions I have to make, thankfully I know what I do, so I could relax and bring myself back to the present and seek support.

The present moment is all we ever really have which you will understand if you have ever listened to or read anything by Eckhart Tolle! Worrying about any obstacle, trial or challenge and placing yourself into the future to try and solve a problem won’t necessarily help you and can make you feel 100 times worse. The more time you can be in the present moment the more your intuition has space to offer you guidance on your next move.

This is what I am learning and experiencing in my own life - you’ve been told before to surrender, right? Well being in the present moment is full surrender. Not mulling over what happened in the past or trying to predict what will happen in the future. Everytime I fully surrender, without fail, I have been guided to the best possible outcome of any situation.

How is this helping you overcome an obstacle? Below are some practical tips you can use  when a challenging situation appears in your life.

  • Meditate, get silent and breathe into the space of the present moment

  • Listen to what your intuition is trying to tell you

  • Don’t judge the obstacle or yourself as good or bad

  • Love and accept yourself and the obstacle fully (literally telling yourself this will really help you)

  • Seek support from peers who want to help you thrive, be wary who you seek support from

  • Write it out! Here are some journal prompts

    • Is the fear I am facing in this situation actually true? Is it justified? Is my life in danger as my ego would have me believe?

    • What is the worst case scenario?

    • What is the BEST case scenario?

  • Practice understanding that you are guided and supported by a higher power

  • Remember this is all for your growth and whatever the outcome will be for your highest

Remember that obstacle you are facing is bigger than you. No matter what you believe and how you decide to overcome this, this obstacle cannot beat you. Give yourself some space, love and compassion. Surrender and just see what happens. 

A change of mindset from fear to excitement could be massively beneficial in challenging times - life is a game, it is an adventure, it’s here to be enjoyed not feared. You don’t have to suffer through this life, I promise.

Do You Need Guidance?

If you’d like to learn more about working with myself in a 1:1 coaching programme please book your complimentary 20 minute call below. You can learn more about my coaching programme here.

Lots of love,


You can also connect with me on Instagram or listen to my podcast (Apple, Spotify, YouTube).


The Mandala Effect


Are Your Fears Holding You Back?