Taking Responsibility for Your Life and Creating Magic

Now you may read the title to this and be skeptical, either believing you already are or perhaps not understanding how you can take responsibility when all these terrible things happen to you.

I’m not asking you to try and control your life but I am asking you to take responsibility. By taking responsibility you are telling the Universe you’re ready to be in your power and live a magical life. By blaming others or situations for how you feel you’re telling the universe that you’re a victim, this is then what the Universe will reflect back to you.

Taking responsibility also doesn’t mean to blame yourself either. ‘I can’t believe I did that,’ or “I am so stupid for letting myself say that.’ It’s having compassion for the situation you’re in and knowing that it’s within your power to change it. 
Using my cancer journey as an example, knowing that we create our reality I could have blamed myself for ‘creating’ cancer. Instead I chose to understand that I couldn’t control having cancer but I could take responsibility for how I was going to approach the challenge and how I was going to feel throughout. 

I could have played the victim and given my power away to the doctors and the cancer. ‘I have cancer, I don’t know what to do, poor me. I am going to stay ill in bed for 5 months and watch Netflix, it’s out of my control, only the doctors can save me.’ Instead I chose to take responsibility for my health knowing that I could help turn my situation around and get healthy again.
These teachings can be transferred into any area of your life, I am simply using my own cancer journey as an example. I could also use my company or my relationships as an example but I have chosen cancer as it’s probably the scariest area (your health) to realise how powerful you are because in some health situations, like cancer, you could actually die. And who wants to be responsible for actually dying? It’s easier to let the doctors be responsible, right?

Wrong. And again, if you did die from cancer even after taking responsibility it wouldn’t be your ‘fault.’ Death is not something that can be controlled, especially if you choose to believe that we’re being guided on this journey and there is a greater power at play than our monkey minds. I had to come to terms with dying when I made the decision to stop chemotherapy early. I made peace with the fact that if I did die then it was just my time and that I have actually lived a life I am proud of. I took responsibility for my health and my decisions which made everything so much more simple for me in the long run.

Yet, health is the area so many people don’t take responsibility for. We binge eat and drink, we overwork (to earn money) and don’t take care of our bodies. We take drugs. We don’t exercise enough or we exercise too much. I am guilty of all of the above and it took me having cancer as a massive wake up call to realise what I was doing to my body and mind.

If everyone started to take responsibility for themselves in our main life areas of health, wealth and relationships then we’d see the world turn on its head and be watching positive news stories instead of war and death. More people would be dying of old age rather than cancer. We’d simply see more love and less fear.

If you’re living in your power and taking full responsibility for your life then you’re living your most fulfilled life which means your happiest life. When you’re living your happiest life magic begins to happen around you, magic that you can’t explain.
Life doesn’t have to be difficult as we’re told and sold. Life can be easy and it starts with you taking responsibility. If just one person reads this blog or watches the below video and find’s it helpful to begin taking responsibility for their own life then I’ve done my job here. All it takes is one person to begin a ripple effect of worldwide positive change.

And if you’re reading this and are ready to take responsibility and live an insanely good life but feel you need some support to get started or take on this new adventure then how about exploring coaching options with myself. A good place to start is with the ‘Design Your Legacy’ worksheet or by booking a complimentary coaching session through the below links.

Lots of love,


You can also connect with me on Instagram or listen to my podcast (Apple, Spotify, YouTube).


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