Three Tips for Living a More Fulfilled Life

Sometimes life doesn’t always go how we imagined it, there are good days and there can be bad days. And on those bad days it can feel like you just don’t want to do it anymore, it can feel like you’re getting nowhere. On those days it is easy to be swallowed by the darkness of your fearful mind. You could be asking questions like ‘Why am I bothering with this?’ ‘When will life get easier?’  ‘How can I be more fulfilled and happy?’

So this is a blog for those days when you feel like being swallowed up by the darkness and how you can bring yourself back to your true state of happiness. How you can remind yourself you are on the path to fulfillment.

  1. ‘Expect nothing, appreciate everything.’ This is one of the main teachings from my meditation guru. When we expect life to go a certain way this is led by our ego’s supposed needs, which are really desires. So when we don’t receive what we expect to, this leaves us vulnerable to feeling like nothing is working out. Flip your mindset to go about your day with gratitude, trust and purposefulness and you open yourself up to support from the divine and your intuition. I can’t express how important gratitude and appreciation is here.

  2. Focus on having fun. Fun is so underrated and if you’re not having fun as you walk through life then something is wrong, of course you don’t feel fulfilled! See if you can change things up and bring more fun into your life just in the little everyday moments. Is there anything in your life that doesn’t bring you joy that you can eliminate? If not (perhaps it’s your bookkeeping that must be done or taking the bins out) then how can you have more fun doing it? Music and dance are great ways to add more fun into your day.

  3. Find beauty in everything. There is beauty everywhere we look and you can either notice beauty or you can notice misery. When you’re looking for beauty in everything, it’s difficult to feel unfulfilled. There is as much beauty in the stormy weather as there is in the calm and sunny weather - they just appear in different ways. Everything we’re given in life is a lesson or a gift and even in the lessons you can find gifts.

I hope these tips on creating a more fulfilling life help you on the brightest and on the darkest of days.

Working with a Life Coach for More Fulfilment in Life

If you’re looking for a deeper transformation to living a more fulfilled and happy life then perhaps working with a life coach can help you make that lasting change. To learn more about how I can help you then please download your brochure or book in a complimentary call with me.


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