Gratitude and Compassion for Healing

I want to be straight with you. When you’re healing from emotional trauma, a dark night of the soul or going through any change in life it can be painful.

Did you know that a painful thought or feeling coming up while you’re in meditation is actually that repressed emotion being released? So the pain you feel whether you’re in meditation or just going through life, means you’re on the right path.

But it can be easy to be swallowed by the darkness and the pain sometimes, I understand - I am in the trenches with you.

Instagram can make healing and a spiritual awakening look so pretty and enjoyable. Endless soundbaths, reconnecting with your feminine energy by swishing around in the jungle, the tarot or astrology telling you your next steps. Healing can be this, but healing can also be messy.

Healing is also having to go to bed and sob for an hour. Healing can also be not speaking to anyone for a few days. Healing can also be emotional eating for a day or two, and it can also be completely cutting sugar out of your diet. As with anything, it is important to remain aware of what your soul needs when you’re healing - so you don’t get swallowed by your dark night of the soul.

I have often wondered if it would be less painful if I were to go back to my old life, I know that would be much easier. Back to my old haunts, my old friends, my old habits and ways of being. 

On your healing journey often things will feel like they don’t ‘fit’ anymore. I was in a city and my heart screamed for nature. Some old friendships just started to go quiet. Habits naturally disappeared.

But when things fall away, it’s for a reason and going back to that life would be more painful than what you are currently facing. Where you’re going the path gets easier and you become stronger because you’re heading towards truth and your true self, there is only love there.

What I want to help you with here is how to make the healing process easier for you and find the love within.


I want you to have compassion for yourself and what you’re going through. The type of compassion you’d give the young version of yourself if you saw her fall over in the playground. Even more than that, the type of compassion you would give her if her parents were getting divorced and she was blaming herself. Give yourself deep compassion. 

Also give those around you compassion whether they are aware they’re on a spiritual journey or not. Everyone is dealing with their own shit and we often don’t know the half of it. So show others the compassion you’re craving yourself. (The Law of Giving, give what you wish to receive and it shall come to you.)


Can you accept how you feel and your journey? What we resist persists and so if you try to fight it, it will make the whole process more difficult for you.

If you’re unhappy with where you are, learn to accept it, be non-judgmental of the circumstance and yourself and face it with grace. Accept where you are and things will begin to change. Your vision will clear and the path will be shown to you.


Can you be grateful for where you are? When you can learn to be grateful you begin to see this as an important part of your healing and this elevates the frequency which you are in.

Try getting still, settling into your body and writing out 10 things you are grateful for about your healing journey. This will really help to shift your mindset and invite in a more pleasant experience.

Compassion, acceptance and gratitude are real game changers on any healing journey, especially if you wish to make it easier on yourself.

Know that you’re not alone, we’re all in this together and the world needs you to keep pushing forwards on your path, you’re lighting the way for others.

Can I help you?

If you feel I can help guide you in any way then please book in a complimentary 20 minute call with me through the link below. If you’d simply like to learn more about life coaching to help you heal then please download your brochure.

Lots of love,
Roseanna x


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