Is Who You’re Pretending to be Worthy of Your True Self?

Who are you pretending to be? And is she worthy of your True Self?

We’re all pretending to be someone. We all have this persona, a mask if you like, that we present to the world in order to be accepted by our peers and society. The persona has been built by our ego in order to keep us safe.

However, sometimes these persona’s don’t serve us as we transition into a world that values authenticity, so how can you be more authentic to your True Self?

How Do You Be More of Your True Self?

The question here is, how do we find out who our True Self is? Well, think of the qualities that you admire in other people and consider qualities that you wish you had yourself. 

These are qualities that you carry, these are elements of who you are in your truest form. When you were developing your personality, your ego didn’t deem these qualities as necessary for survival so it pushed them down, they will now show up in your life as a projection onto those around you, this is known as your shadow.

So, considering some of these qualities, how can you embody them more as you go about your day?

When you do embody more of your True Self you will act from a more aligned and authentic place. When you live from this place the Universe will match your energy and you will see more of the life you desire reflected back to you.


When you are acting out of alignment you will hold yourself back. You will block what you are trying to achieve from coming to you. This is where the persona and the ego aren’t always helpful in the modern world.

How Do You Block Your True Self?

  • By worrying too much about what others think of you

  • By acting from a place of lack rather than abundance (see podcast for deeper explanation)

  • By believing your childhood stories that have led you to believe you are not good enough

How Can You Change This?

  • By being aware of the qualities you have and those which you desire to embody and by stepping into them

  • Actively making the changes you need to as you step into your power

  • By calling yourself out of your BS (belief systems) and reprogramming them with supporting beliefs

When you step into your True Self you step into a life of freedom. Isn’t isn’t a case of overnight success and isn’t for the fainthearted but I promise you it is worth it.

You are doing yourself a disservice by letting your limiting ego and persona run your life. You are here to be your most powerful and true version of yourself. I believe in you.

If you would like support in stepping into your power then book in a complimentary 20 minute call with me to see how we could work together. Through my unique coaching methodology you can uncover who you truly are and live a more fulfilling life as your True Self.


A Celebration of Standing In My Power and How You Can Too


Three Tips for Living a More Fulfilled Life