The Truth About Your Health and Getting Sick

Last week I was sick, I have been fighting a cold on and off since before Christmas and this time, as I was lying in bed I decided to dig a little deeper and question what the illness was trying to show me.

The truth about getting sick is that your body is in some way trying to communicate with you. It is trying to tell you something and believe me when I say that illness is ALWAYS happening for you.

From a cold, to cancer - your illness is always happening for you, not to you. This may be a tough pill to swallow. Especially if you are facing something that feels so far beyond you at the moment. It can be difficult to understand why something like cancer is happening for you, but let me explain why.

When I was diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer in 2021 there was no doubt in my mind that this was happening for me, that I was meant to go through this experience in some way. I learned so much from the whole journey about life, death and my entire being.

And since going through this I have been blessed with a couple of colds which I have found frustrating because I am healthier physically, mentally and emotionally than ever before - so why am I getting sick?

Here are a few reasons I have found:

  • An illness in your body can be a recalibration - when you’re changing your belief systems, upgrading how you live and evolving your consciousness then the system of your body will need to recalibrate and regenerate to match your new frequency

  • An illness can be a redirection - if you’re not acting in alignment to where your soul wants to guide you then an illness can act as a wake up call to get you on the right path

  • An illness can be your body pleading with you to care for yourself more - if you are neglecting your mental, emotional or physical body in any way then your body will scream at you to care for yourself more. Most illnesses are caused by stress - learn to listen to the whispers before you hear your body scream.

  • An illness can be your body detoxifying - like a recalibration, your body’s system could be detoxifying from your energy that which no longer serves you

While illness can be frustrating to experience in our fast paced society, it is so important to listen to your body’s needs. Your body is so much more than skin, flesh and bones - it is a magnificent computer and your cells are always listening to you. Get to know it, love it and it will care for you.

If you’re ready to step more fully into your power then get in touch. As we work together, getting you from where you are to where you want to be, you will begin to align with a higher level of consciousness and see your life change around you in ways you could never imagine.

Book in a call with me today, let’s do this.


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