It’s Time to Question Everything in Your Life

Are you living a life of truth and freedom or based on stories you have been told throughout your life?

Unless you’re actively taking steps to reclaim your power and discovering more about how the Universe actually works and your Self, I would suggest you’re leaning more towards the latter of believing everything you’re told and living by it.

Just to be clear, that’s okay. You always have the freedom to choose how you live, and if believing everything you are told from external sources is what you choose, that’s totally okay. But if you’re reading this I don’t think that’s the case, is it? You are probably curious about life and how you can make it really start aligning for you.

If you want to access true freedom then you need to begin taking responsibility for your life and that includes what you believe. I challenge you to start questioning EVERYTHING.

  • Challenge what you read in the news (is there really nothing good happening?)

  • Question what you see on social media (it’s mostly a highlight reel and click bait)

  • What ‘Dave down the pub’ tells you (he probably got it from the above two sources then messed it up a bit)

  • What you were told growing up (will I really catch a cold from going outside?)

  • The stories they are reinforcing now (‘you need to marry a rich man!’ Seriously!?)

  • Your fears

  • Your belief systems

  • Is the Earth actually round?! ;) Listen to the podcast for this story!

In particular what I want to cover today before I write a whole book on why we should be questioning everything including the supposed authorities… are the stories and conditionings that create your beliefs and your fears.

It is Time to Question Your Belief Systems

The beliefs you have about yourself and about how the world works have been conditioned and programmed into your mind by your primary caregivers when you were growing up; the environment you grew up in and live in now; ancestral programming; society and what is deemed to be ‘normal’.

Your mind creates your reality, and your belief systems create how you view the world.

Einstein famously said; The most important decision we make is whether we believe we live in a friendly or hostile universe.

So, what universe do you live in? Friendly or hostile? What does your conditioning tell you? 

Whether you live in a friendly or a hostile world, your mind will then continue to look for evidence to back this belief up based on the stories you have been told. This is all governed by your ego, which tries to keep you safe and it doesn’t like to be wrong.

Because of this, you will continue to live a life based on your past experiences, so the ego remains safe and you remain stuck in patterns that aren’t serving you. By challenging these beliefs, you are entering new territory which your ego doesn’t know so it will resist and make you feel as though you’re in danger so you stop trying to change. The ego is scared of the unknown. (But the unknown is where magic happens.)

So where do these beliefs and stories come from? Are they true? Who made them up in the first place? Is this belief serving you? Is there a more empowering belief you can adopt?

In the podcast I use ‘Money Doesn’t Grow on Trees’ as an example of a story often told to us by our parents.

How Your Fear is Holding You Back

As I have covered in previous articles and podcasts, fear is a safety mechanism created by the aspect of your psyche known as the ego. It’s thanks to the ego that the human race has evolved and we didn't all get eaten by tigers! Yay!

Tell me, how many tigers do you see on your way to Waitrose today? Thankfully I don’t see any. So the safety mechanism that is holding you back is prehistoric and you need to start questioning it, like yesterday! On the other side of your fear is the magical life that you have been desiring.

Your fear will keep you in the small self, afraid to speak up, afraid to try new things, afraid to chase the dreams you have. All because it is unknown what will happen when you achieve the outcome. Keeping you in the past is safe to the ego but not safe to your soul.

When you notice fear come up, simply ask yourself ‘is this true?’ ‘What is the worst that can happen?’ Keep going and going until you get to the root cause of the fear and you will have an insight into what is holding you back.

IMPORTANT: Once you have this insight, you are accessing your freedom. 

Your beliefs have the power to set you free or keep you small, which would you rather?

You are stronger and more powerful than you have been made to believing so stop giving your power away to stories and conditionings of your past. Question everything, get curious!

As you begin questioning your beliefs you will begin to see the proof that your external world is a reflection of your mind and this is where the magic really starts to happen. The second you embody ‘I am infinite abundance’ instead of ‘there is never enough’ - guess what happens!

ALSO IMPORTANT: When questioning everything, remember you get to decide what you believe. You can try a belief on and if it doesn’t work for you then that’s fine (this is the flat vs round Earth thing!) The truth will ALWAYS resonate in your body. 

If you’re ready to step more fully into your power then get in touch. As we work together you will begin to transcend your ego and the fears, change your beliefs and see your life as you know it change. Are you ready?

Book in a call with me today, let’s do this.


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