How to Practice True Self Love

What is True Self Love

Let me tell you what it isn’t, true self love isn’t indulgent or superficial. It isn’t just about upgrading the quality of your wine (even though it can be that as well). True self-love is about getting to know yourself on a much deeper level. Sitting in meditation and self-inquiry on a daily basis, asking yourself the questions you’re scared to hear the answer too. It’s knowing when to stop and set boundaries, it’s about knowing when you need to let things go that no longer serve you. It’s about generating high frequency feelings of love towards yourself and understanding you are powerful beyond measure. It’s following the nudges of your heart and trusting your intuition. It’s ensuring that you are doing the very best you can by your mind, body and spirit. True self-love is not fluffy.

By practicing self love on a daily basis and in a deep way will ensure you live the most magical life, whatever challenge is thrown your way. By living in this aligned way you say goodbye to fear and stress and all the issues that come with this. You can then recognise easily how to improve your life and the changes you need to make. It starts to become easy, life starts to become easy.

How Do I Practice True Self Love


Sitting in meditation, breathing and allowing your heart to speak to you is probably the most efficient way to practice self-love. By making this a daily practice you’re showing yourself that you believe you’re worthy of this time. Knowing we are worthy is when we begin to eradicate many of our fears.


Taking charge of your health is pretty obvious but doing the research around what works and doesn’t work for you health wise is a big act of self love. Exercise, nutrition and health challenges. Follow your intuition and joy when it comes to health - do what you know will benefit you, not purely give you comfort or immediate gratification.

On health as well I would also add, from my own experience and wisdom around cancer, if you’re facing a health challenge it’s particularly important to listen to your intuition. What you’re being told may not be right for you, if it doesn’t sit right seek more answers. Take responsibility for your own health and your body will react to that and help guide you to what you need.


Have boundaries with yourself and those around you. It could be taking at least two full days of work a week or declining an invitation that doesn’t work for you. Boundaries can be hard to set but in order to live a balanced life we need them. If we don’t adhere to the boundaries we set then we begin to break our own trust, this is the opposite of self love. We’re here to live this human life primarily for ourselves. Yes, we’re also here to serve others but we can’t pour from an empty cup. Set boundaries and stick to them.

Raise Your Energy

Keeping your energy and frequency high is a big part of self love. It’s so important because we ultimately are beings of energy and light that vibrate and emit frequencies that attract things and opportunities of that same frequency. If we give ourselves love (and practice self love in everything we do) then we attract that back to ourselves. 

You cannot accept true, unconditional love before you give it to yourself. At every given opportunity you can focus on your heart and breathe feelings of love into your heart space. Watch how amazing you feel after and you’ll soon be doing this more and more and more.

Follow Your Bliss

This is how you keep your energy high. In everything you do, make sure it’s for your highest. Following your bliss means dropping the things that no longer serve you and do more of what does.

If you love yoga and hate running, guess which form of exercise you should be doing. Invest in yourself and what you do love like trying a new hobby or going on a solo adventure. Perhaps upgrading the food you eat to organic or buying some bras that actually fit you. If you really dislike your job, then perhaps start thinking about what you’d love to do instead. If after trying and trying, your relationship isn’t the dream you imagined it to be…

Be Love

You are love. Love is light (science backs this up, this isn’t just fluffy wording) and you are literally a being of light and energy. So be the love that you are, embrace it in everything you do. If you’re serious about changing your life and living the best life possible then this understanding is key.

Love is about a feeling, it's not something you do it's something you are. Remember that when you’re ‘practicing’ self-love. You have to be self-love and watch the universe reflect that to you.

An Invitation for Your Highest Self

I’d now like to extend two invitations to you; firstly I’d like to offer you an opportunity to expand your own vision to the future and complete the ‘Design Your Legacy’ worksheet (link below). This worksheet alone could offer you guidance on how you can begin to live your best life. It is a great example of sitting with yourself and partaking in the self-inquiry that can change your life.

My other invitation is that if you’re curious about coaching and how it can help you, you can book in a complimentary 20 minute call with myself and we can explore how you can give yourself more love.

Lots of love,


You can also connect with me on Instagram or listen to my podcast (Apple, Spotify, YouTube).


Taking Responsibility for Your Life and Creating Magic


Changing the Conversation Around Cancer & Health