Embracing Failure & Redefining Success Through Conscious Living
It’s Time to Break Free from the Ego's Drama Cycle and Embrace Failure as Your Greatest Teacher
Let’s talk about the elephant in the room of your life, your failures. Yep all those times you have failed in life which back up the belief you have that you suck! The failed business, the failed relationship, the failed investment, the failed outfit attempt…
Argh, can all of this negative chatter just stop? For one moment? Thank you.
A little reminder on the voice whose job it is to protect you - your ego. Your ego may tell you, in no uncertain terms, that you failed at that business or you failed at that marriage because you suck, it’s all your fault, you never knew what you were doing anyway. It may also tell you (in the same moment sometimes) that it’s not really your fault because you can’t help it that you suck - that’s your parents fault for not bringing you up with the love and attention that you needed. Your ego is going to tell you a lot of things, especially when it comes to failure, so that you stay in the mindset of you being a failure.
It is easier for your ego to ‘protect you’ if it keeps you in the mindset of you being a failure. It doesn’t want you to know how absolutely amazing you are because then it may leave you open to vulnerability and judgement. You will wander out into the world, fulfilling your soul’s deepest desires, your business could become wildly successful then BAM, if your ego isn’t on the lookout and keeping you small, one refund request or piece of negative feedback could bring the whole thing crashing down and you will die alone.
This is the drama cycle of the ego, it meticulously scans every move you make by hijacking your mind and gives you beliefs that will keep you safe as it has been conditioned to.
Your next reminder is that you are NOT your ego. You are not the thoughts or beliefs your mind has about you being a failure and you most certainly are NOT a failure. No matter what shit storm has happened in your life, even if on paper it was your ‘responsibility,’ that doesn’t mean you are a failure. There is ALWAYS a higher reason for it. You are not any of these things, in truth you are so much more - listen to this meditation to experience your truth.
Let’s change the tune on our failures so that we can step into a new paradigm of success. What if you could see your failures as ‘redirections’ or simply lessons on your journey?
I hope you find this article helpful on your journey and if you wish to join me on an adventure of self discovery to uncover who you truly are (with and without success) then sign up through the link below.
How ‘Success’ is Holding You Back
Your ideas of success and failure are holding you back, they’re keeping you in a belief cycle that is going to keep you living a life based on your past conditioning and programming that you aren’t good enough just as you are.
You aren’t here to succeed at life, no matter what, we all end up dead one day. You also, aren’t here to fail at life. You’re here to live life.
Do you really want to go through the rest of your life being worried that you have failed at everything you didn’t win at?
The old ideas of success and failure no longer serve us. If you look at the depression rates in adults today they’re astronomical. How society has been telling us we’d be happy clearly isn’t working.
I used to believe, along with many of my peers, that success was a 6 figure business, champagne on a Friday night, a hot boyfriend & fancy homes & first class travel, and once I have all of that, I’ll be successful. This was driven by an unconscious belief that once I am successful, I will be worthy of love and acceptance from my parents and life. A part of me believed I had to be successful to be deserving of being in this world, just feel that for a moment.
This really held me back because while I was doing all of these amazing things, I wasn’t fully living because I was in my ego all the time unconsciously worrying about what people thought of me.
When you’re in the moment of truly loving your life and what you’re contributing, then you are successful. How so? Because success isn’t money and marriage! Success is nothing external, it is all an inside job.
True success is a more holistic concept where we’re able to be truly happy, healthy and wake up looking forward to our day.
So then let’s look at failure, if you’ve ‘failed’ at anything in life it DOESN’T MATTER! If you’re out of alignment with your truth, then your failure’s are redirections. If you’re in alignment with your truth then you’re learning lessons to help you in the process of becoming.
I would like you to take a moment now and journal what success and failure means to you. Where do you believe you have ‘succeeded’ and ‘failed?’ Then come back to me, we’re going to redefine those beliefs in a moment.
Redefining Failure in Your Mind
You have never failed at anything in your life. Period. Think of a baby learning to walk, it will fall over quite regularly until it gets the jist of it. Are you going to tell that baby it’s a failure because it fell over a few times? My thoughts are, probably not. Does the baby then stop trying because it fell over a few times? No.
Say you have been working on a business for a few months or years and you’re just figuring it out. Can you see you as the baby and the business as the ‘learning to walk’?
Would you tell your friend who had to pivot her business or career that she failed? Would you tell your sister who is now divorced that she failed? Once upon a time the business idea your friend was working on was right for her, then she needed a nudge in a new direction. Once upon a time your sister and her partner were in love, but they grew apart. This is life. We’re in a constant state of evolution and need to become adaptable to change.
The more you’re attached to the external ideas of success and failure the more suffering you’re in for, because your ego is running your life. Your ego hates (real) change and needs ideas of success and failure to stay alive and while the ego is alive you cannot become who you were put on this planet to be. You need to transcend the conditioned mind of the ego in order to step into your true power.
You do this through awareness, love and new beliefs. Awareness of how you’re living your life and what your conditioned beliefs are. Love for the so called ‘failed attempts’ at certain things in life, you were trying and that is living. And bring in new beliefs that support your holistic success.
What are some new beliefs that you would like to bring in around your holistic success? Think of all areas of your life, not just money and relationships. What about your spiritual growth or your overall health & wellbeing?
Whatever failure it is you’re carrying in your heart, bring the idea of the baby learning to walk into your mind again. Have love and compassion for the part of you that thought she needed to succeed to be loved & accepted by her parents.
You can truly never fail and as long as you’re living in alignment with your true values, not necessarily your conditioned ones, you’re headed in the right direction.