How to Find the Meaning & Purpose in the Face of Challenge
So, you’re going through something challenging, you want it to be different and you feel like you’re lost and don’t know what your purpose is anymore. I understand this only too well and I want you to know there is light on the other side of this darkness.
I believe everybody goes through a period in their life when they seem to lose meaning and they’re called to find their purpose. I’ve seen it in CEO’s who retire early and don’t know what to do with all of this time on their hands so they’ve gone back to work. I have seen it in founders after a business failure and they don’t know where to channel their creative energy next. I have seen it in women worn down by yet another stressful relationship and feeling like they’ll never find their lobster.
For me, it happened after I healed from cancer and chose to let my previous company go. I had to have a grieving period not only for the trauma I experienced but also for the identities I had to let go of.
This point in your life is pivotal. Whatever challenge you’re experiencing right now is asking you to step up and answer the calling of your soul. It’s calling for you to break the cycles you have been living in and choose to create a new experience in alignment with your deepest desires.
In my personal experience, after cancer I could have chosen to save my jewellery company, one that had been neglected due to my health but that I also knew was no longer my passion. The goals I once had did not align with my new beliefs and I couldn’t see the plan ahead of me. I could have ignored the calling of my soul and gone back to who I was before, living fast, hustling and chasing fulfilment externally.
If I had done this, I probably would have ended up once again chronically stressed. I may have been sitting on a pile of money like my ego-self wanted, but I knew deep down that was never going to fulfil my innermost self. This is why I had to face the challenges I did around this time, I was being forced to look at who I was showing up as in this world and to question if it was aligned with my most authentic self.
Let’s think about your situation.
Do you know deep down that you’re being called to do something differently in your life?
Do you feel a sense of meaninglessness about the life you are currently living? It could even feel like a ‘depression?’
Do you have a deep desire you wish to fulfil but you can’t seem to make sense of it?
And has your life started to go a bit… chaotic?
I hope you find this article helpful on your journey and if you wish to join me on an adventure of self discovery to uncover who you truly are then sign up through the link below.
Embrace the chaos because this is a sign of change and possibility - chaos is good.
What you may be going through is the dark night of the soul, a term coined by Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung, after a period in his life where he lost all meaning and purpose. The dark night of the soul is one of the most important times in your life so accept that while it may not be comfortable, everything here is happening for your highest good.
If this is what you’re experiencing, like I mentioned before you have two choices:
Option 1 is to go back to the life you were living before and try to make it work and try and fix your challenges externally only to end up back in a similar, or worse, situation in the not too distant future.
Option 2 is to go within and start asking yourself some important questions that will help you create the changes in your life your soul is calling you to do.
Your external reality is a reflection of your internal reality, so if you’re just trying to solve problems on the external (like changing jobs or getting a new partner) then you’re simply rearranging the furniture on the Titanic (I love this phrase, very accurate analogy).
When you begin to ask meaningful questions of yourself such as ‘Who Am I?’ & ‘Why am I here?’ in meditation or contemplation then you will begin to find purpose and meaning in your life once again. Answers will pop up from your subconscious mind and you will begin to connect to your Higher Self. You will be given opportunities to make new decisions in your life that will take you towards a new future. When you begin to understand your unconscious mind (your internal reality) then you can see the map of how you ended up where you are today based on your past experiences. This is an empowering place to be because from here you can make more conscious choices aligned with those whispers of your soul.
Your purpose will begin to show itself to you, you will be sent synchronicities and choices to make towards your new meaningful life. Warning: They may not always be comfortable but that’s because you must always step outside your comfort zone to create anything new in your life.
My overall advice if any of the above sounds like what you’re going through is to accept where you are and what you’re facing. Accept everything that comes up and believe in your power to create the life that feels aligned with you and your soul's purpose. This is happening for you and you are divinely guided.
My advice now is to go away and journal on what came up for you in this article and if you have any questions please feel free to reach out to me personally. I also have a free training series so you can Step Into Your Next Level Life, by navigating through these challenges and Discovering Your True Self. To learn more click here.