How to Live a Life You Are Head Over Heels in Love With

I’d like you to take a second and check in with yourself, how do you feel? How is your heart? As you walk through your day what do you experience? Do you love your life?

How to Love the Life You Live

This blog post is inspired by work that I do in my personal life and what I teach in my life coaching practice. In order to live a life that you are head over heels in love with you have to be in love with the life you have today. 

If you want something, you have to feel the feelings of having that thing now. Everything in your life is created in your mind before you see it in your reality, be that your conscious mind or your subconscious mind.

If you want to feel healthy and live a life filled with vitality you have to embody that now and take the actions you are called to. If you want to be wealthy you have to look for the abundance you already have in your life and be grateful for it. If you want to experience more love in your life you have to learn to fall in love with yourself, every aspect of yourself.

When you can feel these feelings in your heart and see it in your mind’s eye then the Universe will begin to rearrange your life to reflect this. This is when you see it manifest in your reality. In fact you can throw out most ‘manifestation techniques’ and simply embody this to watch your life change.

By learning to feel the feelings of love instead of fear and moving throughout your life in this frequency, you will begin to reprogramme your subconscious mind to bring more love into your life. When you feel more love for no apparent reason other than ‘just because’ you will be given so many more reasons to love. It isn’t magic reserved for a special few and it isn’t rocket science. It just is.

So, what are the feelings you want to feel?

If you don’t have a vision for your life I would recommend you create one. This acts as your North Star when on this life’s journey. You have been given your heart’s desires for a reason so move boldly towards them. While you’re following your North Star, recognise that it actually isn’t about achieving those desires of your heart, what your heart actually wants is to feel the feelings and emotions that you believe those things will give you.

So if you want to build an incredibly successful business, how is it you will feel when you get there? Learn to feel that now because that is what your heart is looking for, it's actually nothing to do with the business. 

Your vision acts as your guide, so if you appear to fall off track (you’re never actually off track but to the ego it can feel like that if you’re not seeing the results you want) you can easily come back to your vision, remember why you started and bring yourself back to the feelings of that incredible life.

Once you know the feelings your heart so wants to feel, get into the practice of feeling them every day. You can do this as part of your daily visualisation, after a meditation practice, in the morning and before you go to sleep at night. It is also extremely important that you then continue to feel these feelings throughout your day.

As the new opportunities come into your life remember to remain grateful and in this space of love, before you know it you will be loving the life you are living and living a life you are totally head over heels in love with.

If you would like support stepping into your True Self and falling in love with your life, then book in your complimentary 20 minute call to see how we could work together. Through my unique coaching methodology you can uncover who you truly are and live a more fulfilling life aligned with your purpose.


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