A Celebration of Standing In My Power and How You Can Too

This week I celebrated something huge, 1 year of the ‘all clear’ from triple negative breast cancer. And so I have been celebrating life and myself.

It is never easy to stand in your power and take responsibility for your life but if you want to live a life beyond your wildest dreams, you have to. And last year I wanted to live and create a miracle, that is exactly what I did.

So I am celebrating myself. I am celebrating how brave I was throughout the whole journey. How I trusted my intuition and decided to stop chemotherapy when I knew it was the right moment too. How I weighed up my options and did research that aligned with my values. How I completely changed my life. How I connected deeper and deeper with my Self. How I learned to create miracles through meditation and understanding how the Universe really works. I was brave enough to smile throughout the whole damn thing including but not limited too; a complete shock diagnosis from (---) breast cancer and BRCA1; IVF for egg freezing and actual egg freezing; 4 months of grueling chemotherapy; a nipple delay and ‘suspected seizure’ in the operation (chaos); a double mastectomy and reconstructive surgery; losing my hair; ex boyfriend stuff; menopause; medication sending me loopy; my whole life appearing to crumble around me.

I’m just going to take a moment to speak about my life appearing to crumble.

A) Life is a projection of our mind and isn’t the actual truth, the truth is that we are pure awareness and thankfully even though I experienced suffering I knew deep down my True Self was unharmed.

B) If you want to create a magical life then the unmagical stuff has to fall away to make room. We’re never ‘losing’ anything, we’re just making space for something better. And my life had to crumble for me to experience the wonderful life I am living now.

Two years ago, pre-diagnosis, I was miserable but didn’t know it because I had got really good at numbing my emotions and pain. My unhappiness was showing up in anxiety attacks at the most inconvenient times… Me and my partner at the time would go for walks and I would be worrying about what was about to happen in my life, never feeling good enough or worthy for what I wanted. 

NOW, I go for walks alone along the seafront outside my house and notice tears of joy - just because.

This to me is proof that I had to experience cancer in order to make me wake the F up and start chasing what I really want. The tears of joy, love and fulfillment I experience now are worth it.

I had to learn that I was more than a body and that I was connected to the all that is. I had to learn how the mind really works and I had to learn how powerful I am.

We are all powerful, no one is more powerful than the other - we are all one - but my request to you is that you STOP underestimating yourself and stand in your power.

If you have dreams, desires and goals then go after them! Don’t just sit there under the illusion that life just happens to you. You are creating your life so when are you going to start taking action towards consciously creating it!? You are here to learn lessons but you will never learn them if you don’t start taking responsibility and action aligned with your dreams.

Below is the YouTube video I uploaded reflecting on my celebration, I hope you enjoy watching it. If you are ready to stand in your power then let’s chat, I can help guide you on your journey and tune into your full potential. This time next year your life could be totally different, it could bring you tears of joy just to recognise the amazing life you have created for yourself. If you do the work, I promise you anything is possible.


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