Living Your Dreams, Dharma and Desires

Are you making the most out of your life or do you feel unfulfilled? If you are not following your dreams and working towards fulfilling your dharma then you are at risk of living a half life.

If you want to make the most out of the life you are living then it’s time to get clear on what your dreams are and live in alignment with them. So, think about it - what are your dreams? What is it you most desire to experience in this life? 

You have been given these dreams and desires for a reason, and if you have been given them it is because you can achieve them. (If you take action towards them, obviously.)

When I speak about desires I mean your soul’s desires, not your ego’s desires. Your ego wants ‘more’ to feel worthy. The ego desires are mostly material whereas your soul desires are about your connection with a higher power and personal growth. If you are not growing you're stagnating.

If you are living in alignment with your soul's desires then you are automatically working towards fulfilling your dharma.

What is dharma?

The word dharma can have different meanings. For example, in Hinduism, it can refer to the moral and ethical obligations that each individual has to uphold in their personal and social life, while in Buddhism, it can refer to the teachings of the Buddha. 

In essence it means following your higher purpose. Living one's dharma involves following a path that aligns with one's unique purpose, values, and principles.

Dharma is essential if you are on a spiritual journey because it provides a framework for living a purposeful and fulfilling life. By following dharma, you can achieve greater harmony with yourself, others, and the universe.

Living your dharma is not about being perfect, but about striving towards growth and improvement.

If you are unsure what your dharma is then the clue is in your dreams and soul's desires, what are they? Journal on this and begin to write about your ‘higher purpose.’ Connect with the feelings of it every day and you will begin to see opportunities to fulfill it.

The biggest question I get at this point is: ‘What if I don’t believe I am worthy of my dreams?’ or ‘I am trying so hard and not seeing the results.’

When these questions arise it is important to be aware of them, acknowledge them but not to buy into the story. This is your ego trying to keep you safe and keeping you in attachment. Your ego will speak to you in fear based terms to make you feel like achieving your dreams means danger.

When you can acknowledge these limiting beliefs and move forward despite them you can begin to break the pattern and transcend them, leaving you more free to achieve the dreams you heart has given you.

In short, to live your most full life and step into the fullest expression of your Self then you must be following your dreams. Get still with yourself and ask what they are. Ask your heart if you’re truly doing everything you can in order to live your dream life and if not then why? What is holding you back?

If you’re in a position where you would like to embark on a journey from living a half life filled with suffering to one of freedom and expressing in alignment with your True Self then book your complimentary discovery call below. Working 1:1 with a qualified life coach like myself will give you the guidance and confidence to really go for the life you desire. Where could you be in 6 months if you decided to put your all into following your dreams?


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