How to Make a Graceful Comeback After A Life-Crisis
A Guide on Making Your Comeback Into Life After Your Dark Night of the Soul
Sometimes shit happens in life. It can be known as a mid-life crisis, Saturn return, a dark night of the soul, or simply a tough time. Believe it or not, a difficult period in your life will hold a humungous amount of treasure if you’re willing to look for it. In this article I want to cover how to make your come back into life look (and feel) easy. Everyone around you will look on in wonder as you gracefully move through the world after your nervous breakdown, burnout, business failure, financial crisis - fill in the blank.
Your Saturn Return usually happens around your 30’s, the dark night of the soul generally happens in your 30-40’s, when our innermost self begins to look for more meaning. Most people are wandering from day to day with their minds consumed by ego-level worries (how to have your basic needs met like food, shelter, status) that until something shocks them into awakening (like a cancer diagnosis or anything that threatens your identity) they never question the deeper meaning of life. The ‘dark night’ comes as a way of reconnecting you with your soul, sort of like a redirection that makes you question your values, beliefs and how you live your life.
My own gold-filled dark night started with a cancer diagnosis at the age of 30. I’ve always been quite a thoughtful soul, and in hindsight, a spiritual awakening was on the cards when I was living in fear & chronic stress, totally out of alignment, overly identified with my business and not fulfilling my soul’s purpose. I am very fortunate that I was able to find the treasure in my awakening and use it as fuel to redesign my life in a way that was aligned with my inner self’s desires. People remark that now, they would not recognise me from the woman I was before, my dark night was ‘the making of me.’
If you are facing a dark night or life-crisis, what if it could be the making of you too? If you can shift your perspective to one of possibility then this is your first step to over-coming this with grace and ease.
In all chaos there is a cosmos, in all disorder a secret order - Carl Jung
All Works of Art Begin With Chaos
Chaos is how everything magnificent begins, art, science, our very Universe. There is a secret order within all disorders, as Jung remarks. Chaos means possibility.
Every new possibility that could take you closer to your dream life cannot happen in the known. You have to step outside of the life you are comfortable in, that has been created unconsciously by your conditioned mind and generational patterns… If you desire change and a more meaningful life, you have to allow the chaos to ensue.
One of my biggest fears was the uncertainty of my situation and how my orderly and outwardly successful life was suddenly catapulted into chaos, however I soon realised that I had to become comfortable with the chaos because everything is happening for my highest good.
It may not appear that way in the moment but this is the truth of it. When you are aligned with your soul and looking for a more purposeful life, then everything that unfolds is happening for your highest good. It’s all happening for you, can you begin to let go of control?
Letting go of control is one of the most difficult things for the ego to do, but as you get further down this path you will understand that we must do what our ego feels uncomfortable with if you are ever going to live the life that your soul craves and one that you feel fulfilled in.
I hope you find this article helpful and if you wish to join me on a journey of self discovery to uncover who you truly are then sign up through the link below.
Thou Shalt Not Judge
Okay, so now you have accepted the chaos in the midst of a crisis, can you learn to see it (and yourself) with non-judgement? Ahh how the ego mind loves to judge, it has to in order to fulfil its role as our ‘protector’ but know that most of these judgements are false and once again require a subtle shift in perspective.
Once you can accept your situation, you are half way to releasing judgement. You see, one person’s good is another person’s bad and vice versa. You can choose your perspective on a situation and I promise that releasing judgement of yourself and the situation will bring peace into your being.
When I released judgement of my cancer diagnosis and accepted what lay ahead of me I was able to take a huge amount of pressure off myself and activate the Amazon Warrior Princess within me and focus on overcoming the situation at hand.
The judgement will creep back but it’s a muscle you need to build, regrogramming your mind is required to move through a challenge like this with grace.
Embracing Your Shadow Self
This brings me onto my next point nicely of doing shadow work and integrating your shadow self. Ultimately what is being called for as you face a redirection in life is for you to step closer to your true nature of wholeness. (If you’re not sure what your shadow is then read this blog or watch this video.)
Shadow work helps you to understand your unconscious beliefs, repressed emotions and projected personality traits that are being asked to be seen and with this you activate a new power within yourself that helps you to access your full potential as a creative being.
Loving and integrating your shadow self are a necessary part of your healing and ‘comeback’ because trying to change your life without looking at your shadow means you will simply be rearranging the furniture and you will keep creating a life based on your conditioned mind and past experiences. Remember if you want to create something new from the chaos, you must do something never done before.
What is Your Highest Vision?
What is it you want to create on the other side of your awakening? What is the art you want to make out of the chaos?
You need a vision of what you want and who you need to become, and you need to align yourself with this vision every single day, no matter what life throws at you. Where your focus goes your energy flows.
Me Now!
When I had cancer the vision I had for myself was living a life of vitality, I would see myself running around, free and smiling with flowing long hair and a strong body. I would see myself fully alive, and guess what, this is exactly where I am now.
So with your focus on the highest vision for your life that is what you’ll create. It will help the creative part of your mind bring that into your reality. Keep your eyes on the vision and trust the process.
See yourself as the woman you are destined to be, moving through your life with grace and ease, 100% confident that you can handle what life throws at you and that is what you will see reflected back to you.
I hope this article has in some way helped you, if you’d like to understand more how to live through the chaos with acceptance and power then you can sign up to my free ‘step into your next level life’ email training series or if you know you’re ready to commit to your comeback now, then book in a discovery call with me and we can see how private coaching may help you.