Seeing Infinite Possibilities

Do You Prefer Possibilities or Obstacles?

Let's talk about possibilities, the Universe is full of them. An infinite amount in fact. Do you embrace that? Do you make the most out of the possibilities available to you? Do you realise there are an infinite amount of possibilities waiting for you in the energetic space around you?

Or, do you prefer to focus on the obstacles? Perhaps you don’t focus on the obstacles intentionally but still, that’s the first place your mind goes. 

I know it isn’t intentional, it's actually how your mind is programmed. Your ego (developed from the survival instinct that is responsible for the evolution of the human race) brings you obstacles and highlights danger so that you stay alive. Fortunately in today’s world we have less need for the survival instinct.

I’d like to offer you a new way of living. One of trusting in a higher energetic power rather than the limited beliefs of your ego. A new reality where you focus on the possibilities of what is available to you instead of what isn’t.

A New Realm

Imagine a world where you wake up asking yourself ‘what is possible for me today?’ Instead of ‘ugh I’ve got to do X today.’ And while you’re making your morning coffee you’re excited, just because. Your day comes and goes and then you’re in bed going to sleep filled with joy and bliss.

This is what life is like when you live in the realm of possibility instead of the realm of survival. And while you’re living in the realm of possibility you’re spending more time in the present moment because that’s where the joy comes in. When you’re in this moment, connected with joy and aware of the possibilities, this is when miracles happen. And you won’t even know what’s about to happen in your life but you know it’s going to be good.

If the realm of possibility sounds tempting to you I want you to understand that it's available to you right now, this very second. You just have to choose differently when the obstacles and fear are presented to you.

If you’d like to learn more about how you can rewire your subconscious to find the possibilities, I have posted some videos and information over on my instagram this week. Here is the IG live I did on possibilities.

I won't lie to you, whilst it's available for you right this very second, your ego will put up a fight. You have to be bold and courageous to choose a life of infinite possibility. It goes against the grain of society and your survival instinct. However, I can promise you what is on the other side is worth it. I believe in you and your possibilities.

Sending you an infinite amount of joy and blessings,

Roseanna x

If you are interested in creating a life of infinite possibility and would like to know how I can help further (aside from all the free advice I give on my podcast and social media) then please download your 1:1 coaching brochure through the link below which should answer any questions. If you have more questions
please book in your complimentary call with me.

"When you become uncomfortable with uncertainty, infinite possibilities open up in your life." - Eckhart Tolle

What is The Mandala Effect? Learn more on the podcast.


Celebrating Emotions


The Mandala Effect