Your Wild Precious Life: How to Live It Without Fear
A quote I read from the poem The Summer Day by Mary Oliver has really stuck out to me this week:
“Doesn't everything die at last, and too soon?Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”
This thought has crossed my mind many times over the years, more so since I went through my cancer journey nearly 2 years ago, but sometimes we can forget how precious life is. We get caught up in our mind sweating the small stuff, not realising we are living a life controlled by conditioning and past experiences rather than embracing our free will to choose how we get to build this life.
I believe I am here to help you break this pattern. I do not believe that anyone on this planet is here to play small and we will all be called to the adventure of a lifetime one day (not everyone dares to answer the call) so, what do you choose to do with your one wild, precious life?
Is Fear Standing In The Way of Your Dreams?
I know many people in my life who have dreams they dare not chase and goals they’re too afraid to reach. Why do you think this is? Is it fear of failure? Or is there a deeper fear, a fear of success perhaps?
As humans we are creatures of comfort, anything ‘unknown’ poses a threat to our ego mind.
Say you have a dream of traveling and experiencing new cultures & exotic places, or leaving your corporate role to train as a yoga teacher as a couple of examples. Your heart might be screaming to go and play with the magic these dreams are offering but your ego is trying to protect you from ‘danger.’
This fear of the unknown and ‘danger’ is a collective human fear which has helped the human race to evolve but that’s all it is, is conditioning. Did you choose this conditioning for yourself? If I gave you the choice now, would you continue to be afraid of the unknown?
If you chose yes (which I doubt you did) then your mind will begin to play out this protective conditioning and create resistance against you following your dreams, either by filling your head full of unsupportive thoughts which hold you back OR the resistance could be an external event like breaking your ankle, meaning you miss a flight - this is resistance created by your unconscious mind! The unsupportive thoughts are more conscious & known as ‘limiting beliefs’.
Your job is to begin to become aware of your conditioning (these are examples, you will have your own dreams and unique fears & conditioning even though it all collectively comes down to the need to survive) and make the unconscious conscious so you can begin to choose more supportive beliefs and create new patterns for your subconscious to play out in life. When you bring the beliefs of your subconscious mind into your conscious mind, you can then free your mind.
Is fear holding you back from travelling?
Using the traveling example, say ‘Beth’ had a heart & soul desire to go and travel for a year, perhaps settle in a new country with her partner for a while and live outside of the societal norms. But there was something inside her holding her back. She knows it’s fear but isn’t quite sure what it is or how to deal with it. Some of the resistance she is facing are circumstances like a canceled flight and so her mind is saying ‘you don’t really want to go there, look, the flight you wanted doesn’t exist anymore so it isn’t meant to be.’
Really what is happening is subconsciously she is deeply afraid of stepping out of what her family and friends are doing with their own lives, her subconscious thinks that if she goes then her life will change so much and that she’ll be alone and so it is creating circumstances and beliefs in her life that will hold her back. Do you think her fear is true? And if it is true, what is the worst that could happen?
So she has 2 choices; option 1 is to listen to the fears of her ego, not look into them, just accept the canceled flight and go back to her daily routine of work, yoga and watching netflix, suppressing the desire of her soul believing ‘one day’ it will happen - if it’s meant to be of course. And she will see people on instagram traveling and experience pangs of longing until she decides to answer the call of her soul again. Or she can choose option 2 which is facing the fears, taking her power back and understanding that, as her mind is ultimately creating her external reality, she can address why she might not actually want to go traveling or doesn’t believe she can. By asking if the fear is true and meditating on this Beth can make her unconscious beliefs and patterns conscious and then consciously choose a new belief and take inspired action from this place. The actions will become clear and Beth can consciously create her life rather than be controlled by subconscious patterns.
I’d like to take the opportunity here to say that if this sounds familiar to you and resonates then you will need some guidance when working through this. I highly recommend working with a coach who is trained to understand the subconscious mind, like myself. To learn more about working with me you can follow the link which will give you an option to book a discovery session so we can dig a little into what your dreams are and what is holding you back.
You Are Already Living The Perfect Life, Trust It
Just to add a little paradox to this situation, it is really important to know that actually there is no wrong decision you can make - you will always make exactly the right decision for your timing, based on what your soul is here to learn. It may not be your time to experience freedom because you still haven’t learned a certain lesson.
And on the same note, there is no such thing as a wasted life because you are a manifestation of consciousness potentially living infinite realities. However, on the human level you are experiencing today, if you’re not taking action towards your dreams then it may feel like you’re wasting your life (another message from the ego, but this one could actually be helpful) so I highly encourage you to follow those dreams and make the most of your wild & precious life.
Ultimately, in the real big picture of consciousness and the multiverse, you are exactly where you are supposed to be, experiencing exactly what you signed up for.
I’ll leave you to contemplate that…