Are You Living a Life Distracted

It’s very easy to live a life filled with distraction to numb the pain you might be feeling. We have all experienced trauma and feel pain, how we deal with it will make the difference to your life.

Avoiding pain is a life I have lived and experienced since I can remember. This resulted in me living addicted to the chemicals released by fear and ultimately manifesting a dis-ease in my body. I had never been truly fulfilled and constantly living to achieve something amazing to prove I was worthy.

So much so I was always living in the pain of never ‘arriving’ and therefore never being good enough. On paper and to the outside world I was successful but in reality I was struggling to stay afloat.

I’d numb any pain I felt with ‘fun’ and for me that was drinking 4 bottles of champagne and not remembering the ‘fun’ I had had.

If I was really stressed or something had truly triggered me during a working day I would numb that with a bottle of wine and whole bag of haribo. It’s been known for me to ‘achieve’ this within 30 minutes.

How we numb pain often brings with it more pain wouldn’t you agree? For me, the alcohol would bring with it hangovers and a fresh sense of depression keeping me in a cycle of pain, numbing pain and more pain.

Choose Your Poison

How do you numb pain? For me it was alcohol, a long time ago it was drugs, a sneakier way for me now is shopping. When I have the urge to go on a shopping spree (filling my cart on ASOS!) I am now in a place I can question what it is I need.

I now have the awareness to know when these patterns are showing up and feel I can address them and be present with them.

Once you’re aware of your poison and how you numb pain then you can begin to truly heal it.

How to Heal Your Pain

Awareness is always the first step, once you’re aware you can choose a new reality. Awareness of your pain and how you choose to numb it. Acceptance is next, don’t make the pain or yourself wrong, accept and love it, give yourself compassion. Your pain is a part of your history and your inner child. If a 5 year old came to you with pain you wouldn’t avoid her by getting drunk or going shopping, would you? (I am aware this sadly happens in the world.)

Being present with your pain and breathing into it will help it heal. Taking time for yourself and not being so busy all the time is an important part of presence.

You need to release the pain. If you need to cry then cry, if you need to scream then let it out. Try your very hardest not to reach for your poison. Journal it out, meditate on it, dance - flow.

When you can not reach for your poison you can break the pattern and habits of your past. This is when you create magical changes in your life and truly heal.

Anything is Possible

If you search deep inside for the answers of what you want most I think you’ll find it’s to be happy. That’s all anybody wants deep down. To be happy, loved and free. Such pure feelings.

It is possible for you to feel this. Fear and pain don’t have to rule your life and the choices you make. You don’t have to live avoiding pain. Ever had a good cry and almost immediately felt better? That’s because you’ve released past pains. If you’d like support in healing some of these pains lets speak, I have first hand experience.

You can learn more about working with myself as a coach here. If you’re interested and want to book an exploratory, 20 minute call with myself use the button below - 20 minutes alone could change your life.

You can also connect with me on Instagram or listen to my podcast (Apple, Spotify, YouTube).


My Spiritual Solo Travel Experience


Growth Happens Outside Your Comfort Zone