How To Connect With Your Higher Self & Receive Answers

At many points in our lives we can find ourselves seeking answers to challenges that we can’t seem to answer on our own. You may have heard ‘you already have everything you need within you’ which isn’t always the most helpful statement, however true it is, because the small ego self doesn’t believe it. Next time you are struggling with something in your mind & are seeking guidance I invite you to consult with your Higher Self.

What is your Higher Self?

Well many people believe that your higher self is something outside of you that you only have access to when you’re really enlightened but that isn’t the case. You actually already are one with your Higher Self. Also known as God, the Universe, Consciousness, Source, the Divine. We are connected to it all through the invisible energy that governs the universe. We are all manifestations of consciousness, through us, god is living infinite realities, we are all one and the same thing (with different appearances and personalities) and we are all connected. 

The Universe is made up of this invisible energy, particles and waves and these electromagnetic waves carry information and infinite possibilities. On a quantum physics level, this would be your Higher Self. You have access to all of this because you’re connected to it. 

Technically speaking, you always have access to your Higher Self but you have your unique human conditioning and ego in the way of that. 

When you are always making decisions from your ego and the conditioning of your past experiences then you are at risk of making the same mistakes, reliving the same patterns and not breaking karmic cycles.

Here are some ways you can connect to your Higher Self and receive messages from her immediately, without any fancy rituals, so that you can make new decisions and live a life of infinite possibilities.

Your Dreams

Dream work is a fascinating way to connect with your Higher Self & your subconscious mind to help you work through a challenge or find answers to your questions. Simply set your intention before you fall asleep for your Higher Self to communicate with you about your situation and keep a notepad and pen next to your bed. Note down the most important symbols and your emotions through the dreams as you go through your interpretation. With dreams, it isn’t always what it seems at first but go with your intuition on the final message.

Dream work is a major part of the journey I go on with my private coaching clients for exactly this, we uncover answers to problems and regularly the subconscious mind is trying to communicate something that we’re unaware of. Get curious about your dreams and start to pay attention to what they’re telling you.

If you’re interested in what your dreams are telling you and how they can help you achieve more success in life, then you can book a discovery session with me and we can see how I can help you uncover the secrets hidden within.

Meditation & Visualisation

Meditation is a beautiful way to connect with your Higher Self and there are various ways you can do it. Simply meditate in silence, perhaps after some breathwork to help you get out of your thinking mind & settle into stillness, and set the intention to open up communication with your Higher Self, listen and see what arises. There are also plenty of beautiful guided meditations that are available to help with this.

You can also use visualisation or active imagination to imagine yourself sat at a table with your ‘wise sage’ Self or Higher Self and ask her questions as though you were having a normal conversation with her. Make sure you have a notebook handy to jot anything down once you come around.

Experience a transformative, personalised meditation journey to connect with your Higher Self every day…


Get yourself into a quiet and inspiring space, cozy with a cup of hot tea and put pen to paper. What comes out? In this situation it could be best to write a question down and answer from your Higher Self, letting the words spill onto the page rather than thinking about them.

If I am ever in need of a talking to from my Higher Self, I put pen to paper and let the inspiration flow, it’s always exactly what I need to hear and generally more helpful advice than what some friends would have given me. (You have all the answers you need within you!)

Movement & Connecting with Nature

Some people find inspiration and answers from their Higher Self flowing through dancing or yoga as well as taking mindful walks in nature.

The general rule across all ways of connecting and communicating with your Higher Self are to set the intention beforehand - intention is everything.

So, to make a new decision, outside of your conditioning, past experiences and karmic cycles, connect with your Higher Self and listen to the profound messages she has for you. Warning, you may not always like what you hear. For instance if she hints you might want to quit your job to follow your passion but your ego is telling you you’re scared or it will never work. If you feel fear around what your answers are, that’s a good sign. It means you’re stepping out of your comfort zone and into the realm of new possibilities. Your only job now is to take the inspired action and make that shit happen

If you would like to learn more about dream work and working with a life coach to help you take your power back and live a life beyond amazing, then book in your complimentary here.


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