Become the True Creator of Your Life
I am so grateful for my excitement to learn and to seek the truth of this universe, especially when I experience such resonance in my body, meaning I know I have found gold.
Over the last few weeks, after finishing a book about shadow work (this book) and learning about someone else's shadow work journey, I have come to understand everything I have been learning and integrating over the last few months on a deeper level. We are constantly going through mini transformations and up-leveling as we move throughout life.
Years ago, I used to believe I could just ‘visualise’ and manifest the shiny thing into my life. Now I know that it simply doesn’t work that way. You may have some luck (I did have some pretty cool things manifest, like a boyfriend who literally ticked all the boxes on the list, unfortunately I wasn’t clear enough on the list, £10k months, and a trip to Buckingham Palace!) but unless you’re doing the inner work you will never experience the depth of what it is you are seeking.
I believe everyone in some way shape or form is seeking truth, freedom & wholeness. These are soul desires. What I was seeking 5 years ago were ego desires to prove my worth to people I didn’t like which ultimately all that brought me was stress & frustration. The thirst you’re trying to quench by chasing ego desires is an unquenchable thirst until you do some deep inner work.
What do I mean by deep inner work? Digging around in your subconscious mind looking for treasure by way of repressed emotions, rejected personality traits and unconscious patterns that are ultimately running your life.
So how do you become the ‘True Creator’ of your reality?
You do it in three stages:
I hope you find this article helpful and if you wish to join me on a journey of self discovery to uncover who you truly are, you can download your FREE Higher Self meditation through the link below.
It’s a journey of self-discovery that I liken to a treasure hunt. At every twist and turn there is something to learn and within that lesson there is your gold. Your ultimate aim is to discover who you truly are and with that you realign with your True Self, becoming one with the creator. (Which is you.
Know Thyself
Every being on this planet is on a journey to ‘know thyself’ but most people are a little off course. I was trying to ‘know thyself’ through material things and superficial fluff but it wasn’t working & my subconscious sent me a huge lesson in the way of breast cancer when I hit 30. The beginning of my beloved spiritual awakening and I was given the opportunity to learn all sorts about myself; the good, the bad & the ugly.
What does it mean to ‘know thyself?’ Basically bringing awareness to the entirety of who you are on every level of your mind. Realising that you project your unconscious ‘stuff’ onto the world around you and with your mind, you create your reality. This self-awareness will help you understand your ego & your persona, the conscious parts of your Self that you present to the world around you. You will become aware of your shadow self which holds all of the unconscious emotions, behaviours, patterns and beliefs about yourself and the world.
The reason that influencer on Instagram triggers you so much is because she is highlighting a part of yourself that your ego unconsciously rejected, it’s just a projection of your mind. Once you begin to become aware of all your unconscious stuff that lies beneath the shiny surface you present to the world, you can move onto the next stage.
Love Thyself
Ah, the thing that humans find near impossible to do. Truly loving themselves. Why can we not love ourselves? Because we don’t understand the truth. Every being is seeking wholeness, while believing in separation.
Our ego, the survival mechanism within our psyche, believes in the illusion of fear & separation. If we are in love with ourselves and the world around us gaily moving about our life, not looking out for danger, then we’re vulnerable. So the ego shows us everything that’s wrong with the world and how we actually are unlovable because we’re too opinionated or not pretty enough. “We must fix that," the ego claims, so we buy makeup to make ourselves prettier or we reject the part of ourselves that has an opinion. We opt to stay quiet believing that we aren’t as good as other people and what we have to say isn’t valuable, therefore, we mustn't be loveable. Pushing these beliefs and the emotions that come with them into the shadows of our mind.
The ego’s belief in separation also causes us to project our shadow onto the Instagram influencer so we can blame her for the way we feel, when really it’s just a part of ourselves that wants to be loved and accepted, so we can move towards wholeness - the truth.
How do we begin to love ourselves? You must begin to understand the truth of who you are, the True Self, a being that is already whole and your energy is love. You are one with consciousness and the creator and that you’re here to learn valuable lessons in order to move your spirit towards wholeness again.
When you can begin to understand and embody this, then you can begin to accept even the darkest of your shadows. Reclaiming them into your conscious awareness with love & acceptance. Loving and accepting yourself for ALL of who you are. There is good and bad, positive & negative within us all. You cannot have light without darkness.
Because the ego runs from pain and towards pleasure, it prefers the lighter stuff, claiming it as ‘good.’ So if an experience makes you feel ‘bad’ it will push it away in order to protect you. This is the sign of a healthy ego, but in order to create a life where you’re experiencing wholeness and not rejecting yourself you must integrate your shadow.
Become the Creator
Then, you can embrace all of who you are and from this place you experience the power that your ego didn’t want you to know you had. You understand that you are one with the creator and the Universe’s will is your will. From this place of love & wholeness you can begin to experience real magic in your life.
You begin creating without unconscious blocks because you have become aware of them, you accept them and transcend the hold they have on you, taking inspired action towards a new future.
Throughout this self-discovery journey it is important that you align with your highest vision for life and understand that you need a level of devotion to yourself and who you are becoming. Your ego will throw resistance in your path but your devotion to a higher vision for life acts as your North Star to keep you on track.